Pre-Early Morning Workout Snack


I'm considering moving my workouts to the a.m. again and need some suggestions for a pre-workout snack. Before I would eat a banana and almond butter or a Clif Bar. I'm not sure if this is enough to sustain me through a one hour workout. Any suggestions?
I always have just coffee. That idea sounds good. But, try different things. I've read suggestions of 100-200 calories will work just fine. Good luck.
I have 1/2 cup of coffee and a piece of the 100% wheat thin slice bread, with lightly spread peanut butter.
Another "cup of Joe" gal here.

I don't think I would be comfortable with anything more in my stomach, but I need that caffeine to get me going.
If I eat a snack before my am workout, I usually have some type of nutrition/meal replacement bar like Clif, Balance Bar, Zone Bar, or something similar. Fruit, dairy, or any kind juice taken before my workout makes me feel nauseated during the workout. If I know I'm going to start my workout shortly after I wake, I don't eat anything because if I eat something, even a small snack, too soon before my workout, I get nauseated and start to feel less energetic halfway through the workout. If eaten too soon before the workout, it zaps my energy instead of helping me to power through my workout. On the weekend when I know I'm going to start more than an hour after I wake, I'll have a snack before. If you eat well throughout the day supplying your body with enough carbs and calories, you should have enough energy (glycogen) stored up for an early morning workout. It's really an individual choice. See how you feel whether or not you eat something before your early am workout and do what's best for you.
I roll out of bed and down the stairs with a glass of water - anything else and I feel ill about half way through - coffee with cream is my treat after the workout. Isn't it great how we have such a variety of answers to this?
It depends on the kind of workout. If its got a strength component I like a hardboiled egg plus some little bit of carb (1/2 slice of toast.) But these days, I'm liking my hot lemony/pepper drink with a tsp. of honey. 1 cup of warm water, 2 tbsp. of lemon juice, 1 tsp. honey. I nuke the water for 2 min. in the microwave and its just right. It really hits the spot and helps with indigestion. I don't know why it works, I saw it online and tried it thinking this will never work. I don't think its helped me lose any weight, but its very satisfying and I just don't feel hungry for about two hours.

For me, I have had a difficult time with eating before a workout, I often have it come up on me. I did best with 1/2 a granola bar (you can make your own with organic oat meal.) I hope that helps.

The other option is a protein shake, I like the one I get at the co-op (probably like one you can get locally) its made with Stevia, organic whey protein, pure coco powder. I have a shaker bottle that I mix it with milk. But you could get one that is not dairy, not everyone can do the dairy. A lot of my vegan friends swear by pea protein, I just don't do well with it. The protein shake goes down easy, hardly any digesting to do, and in about 20 - 30 min. I can exercise. It takes me a minute to get dressed and my lunch ready for work anyway.
It depends -
If I'm doing cardio only, I can easily and energetically power through on about 8 oz. of coffee.

If I'm doing a strength workout, I need to have about 300 calories in the form of oatmeal w/strawberries and blueberries or I'll wilt.

Quite a wide range of answers; play with it to find what works best for you.
RapidBreath and Bonnie make very good points. If Im planning a 60 min or longer workout, I will drink half a protein drink, have a sports gel or a small snack bar.
I usually drink a bit of water. As for food, I just go with how I feel. Some days I don't feel like I need or want anything in my stomach that early in the AM.

Other days I have a small handful of dry cereal, just to get my blood sugar going.

And I'm not gonna lie...then there are those days where I have a half of a homemade cookie before starting my workout. Cookies can be very motivating! :)

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