Prayer Request for Thursday


Hello Friends of the Forum.
Thursday, my Dad gets his self to self transplant at Mayo. Please pray that it is successful and his recovery goes well. My Mom needs strength too.
All of his rounds of chemo went quite smooth and he has kept his appetite and energy up through PT/OT. Praise GOD!!
Life for me has been difficult at work and with my neighbours. They put particle board/wood furniture out in the rain all day today. I don't understand the logic behind that one at all. I thought they were moving but extremely bummed they aren't.
Wish I could speel off about my employment but I'm blocked by secrecy agreements that prevent me from doing it. Cheers to those that can!

Thank You.
Jennifer, I'd been wondering about your dad and am glad to hear that the chemo went smoothly. You have my prayers for a speedy recovery and I hope his transplant takes quickly!!

Life sounds like it's playing tricks on you right now, but stay strong (and I know you will). You can handle it, just pray for strength and it is yours!!

Best wishes
Count me in...I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow. Big HUGS!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Hi Jennifer -
Your family is in my prayers today. I have a sis being treated at Mayo also so we always pray for the medical staff as well, that they'll make the right decisions and provide the right care for our loved ones. Hugs to you!

Thank you for your prayers, it seems everything went well. No news is good news for our family, although I'm waiting for an update from my Mom.
Thank GOD for working out! I need it tonight.

Hopefully, more details later on.

i just read the post now. i have always kept your dad, you and your family in prayer, and will continue to do so.

please keep us informed. i hope your personal problems get better. it cant be easy at this time. wish i could help.

RE: Prayer Request for Thursday-Another Update

Hello Friends.
A few minutes ago, I spoke with my Mom to see how my Dad was doing and she said "Excellent." He should feel that way for the next 4-5 days and when his numbers drop, life will change for him.
Thank GOD, this was a self to self instead of stem cells from another person. Different problems from different procedures.
THANK YOU very much for your prayers for my family and myself.
It means alot to me to have support. The job front is still stressed out, at home with the neighbors-less stress for now, men-there is one whom is quite supportive that I mentioned before but spiritually empty.
Thank you again for your prayers, it is a blessing in a BIG way.
RE: Prayer Request for Thursday-Another Update

great news! thanks for keeping us posted.

its great that this person is very supportive, but the fact that he is spriritually empty is concerning. i know it is to you, since you mentioned it. pray for him and maybe you can show him support in a way that would help him grow spiritually.

take one step at a time and put it all in the Lords hands. HE works wonders!


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