I posted this on Vidoe fitness:
Powerstrike Millenium 4
I received a copy of the new Powerstrike DVD at my Powerstrike certification. I have only viewed a couple of segments. The production quality is better. It is shot in a studio with window, providing a view of outside, which brightens the workout. Illaria goes through each of the punches and kicks thoroughly at the beginning. Some of the combos that we did in the certification are on the video. It starts the with the typical Powerstrike warm up, drills, combo 1, combo 2 on the left and then the same on the right side, a cool down as with the other Powerstrikes. Combo 2 had a crescent kick which was something different to see. The music was upbeat and I enjoyed all of the songs except for one.
While watching the DVD, I can see how some people may be bored. The punches and kicks are broken down repeated for while before moving on. Maybe once I’m actually doing the video, it will not seem as long. It does appear to be advanced.
While watching the video, I kept thinking that I like it, but there is something missing. I think that something is Patricia Moreno. It just doesn’t seem the same without the dynamic duo. For old time Powerstrike fans, her absence can be felt. The flare is not there anymore.
Illaria did mention the Mill. 4 and the Forza are available for sell. Right now, you have to send a check to Powerstrike. The Kickboxing DVD is $27 and the Forza DVD is $30. She said Amazon definitely will be selling them and Collage may be selling the DVDs, but she did not know the time frame.