Power Outage!!!!


:) Do any of you live in the power outage affected areas? Around 4:15 PM Eastern while I was at work, the power kept flickering on and off. Of course at this time of day I am the only one left in the department (there are only 3 of us, nice huh?) I thought maybe there was a storm around, so I looked outside and nothing. On my way home, most of the traffic lights were out, arghh! I live in the southern tier of New York state. Luckily, when I got home our power was on and still is.:D
I am not affected by the power outage, but I just heard about it on the news! Unbelievable how many people are out of power and what a time of day to lose power, especially in New York! I'm glad your power is back on!
Hi, I live in Central NY and just like you power went out at 4:15 just as I started my Cathe Cardio & Weights workout. Really disappointed me. I was looking forward to working out.(I was one of the people back in April's ice storm that didn't have power for 5 days). All is well now. Power came back on around 10:45 pm.
Hi Lisa & Deb,
Another Southern Tier resident here (Binghamton, NY) and we also lost power at work in Binghamton around 3:30 or so. I never did lose power at my house though.
Long Island here. The power went out at around 4:20 yesterday and it didn't even come back on until a little after 6 this morning. It wasn't fun sleeping without an AC pregnant. A town next to me got power back on yesterday after 9:30 pm. Lucky them.
Long Island here. Lost power at about 4:10P.M. Restoerd at 10 for about 15 minutes but then fully retsored by 2 A.M. Luckily, everything stated frozen in my freezer. Thanks for asking!
A power loser here! ;-) We lost power about 4:00 yesterday and it came on some time middle of the night, early morning today! AMAZING what you take for granted. It was a bit eerie driving down the highway with no lights anywhere! It's back on (of course, or I wouldn't be HERE!) I sure missed my dose of Cathe last night and somehow I just KNEW SNM would have posted a pix or two. Glad to be back with you all. Thanks for asking Lisa.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My office is in midtown Manhattan. When we lost power, I called my husband who was on the other side of town and immediately knew this was a big deal when he said he lost power too. We made an arrangement that he would walk to my office and meet out front. We both went to the bathroom in the pitch black while leaving our phones off the hook because we were afraid we would lose our connection. Someone in my office was collecting batteries for his radio, and I gave him the batteries from my pencil sharpener and we got a report. We were astounded to hear how far spread the power outage was. I walked down the stairs in my building from the 15th floor with a lot of other people, some of whom had small flashlights, so it felt quite safe. There was a mass of humanity in front of my building and in the streets of New York, but my husband found me. Laypeople were helping the police by directing traffic.

My husband and I walked to Brooklyn over the Brooklyn Bridge. My shoes were not the most comforable, but compared to others, they weren't bad. I saw women walking to Brooklyn in high heels, which must have been painful. We were caught in "pedlock" on the Bridge, but it did move, and we made it home by about 7 pm or so. My husband, forever the nerd, actually had 2 flashlights with him so we were able to make up the stairs to our apartment and see our way. It wasn't until I got home that it occurred to me that I didn't know what happened to my secretary, who lives in NJ. Also, several of the attorneys live in Westchester. My thinking was rather unfocused, and I am still feeling rather odd. My husband had a short-wave radio that was battery-operated and we were able to listen to all the reports, which was very comforting.

We ate hot dogs by candlelight, took cool showers by candlelight, and went to sleep. When we woke this morning I was chagrined to see that the power was still out, and determined that I would stay in bed until it came back in order to stay cool. Fortunately everything came back at around 9 am.

I'm very glad to have the A/C again, but my diet is totally thrown off. I'm eating bread because it's the only unspoiled thing, but I'm not supposed to and I'm not sure the refridgerator is really working. I think we may need a new one. I feel kind of thrown off and out of control sitting here drinking my warm water. :-( And we were the very lucky ones.

Wow!!! What stories! I couldn't imagine having to go through that being in a big city. I worked in downtown Chicago for 6 years, and I live 32 miles away. I commuted by train and I don't know what I would have done. I heard on the news, that people trapped in NYC had to sleep outside on the sidewalks! The hotels handed out sheets and pillows because there was no room. Those poor people!! I'm glad everything is okay now!!!!
I'm in midtown too (45th and Sixth) and we lost power yesterday. About a month ago my company gave out emergency preparedness fanny packs, and we all laughed about it, but our building didn't have any emergency power, so when people were walking down 40 flights of stairs (26 for me), the only people with flashlights were employees of my company. It took 4 hours to get home (standing on an express bus!), but I feel very lucky because one of my coworkers slept on the sidewalk in front of Penn Station. I took a couple of pictures of the crowds that I'd love to show you guys, but I can't figure out how to attach photos. Anyway, I hope Kathy H. is ok because she has a tough commute on the best of days.
Thankfully, the power came back at about 2:30 am in my home, but not till after 4:00 pm today in my office, so I got a free day off. God bless the people in Cleveland an Detroit cause they've got it rough.
I feel awful for the folks in Ohio. Interesting about the fanny packs! Maybe all companies should give them out. My husband has a flashlight keychain. I'm going to get one of those asap.
These fanny packs have some good stuff in them: particle masks, goggles, water, power bars, first aid kits, flashlights, snap lights and a whistle. I shouldn't have been so cynical about them.

Nancy, where in midtown do you work?

Over here in Ann Arbor in the Detroit area we lost power aropund 4pm yesterday and didn't get it back til 4pm the next day, today.

No electricity for 24 hours is an interesting experiment, and I count myself lucky becuase some people in CLeveland lost water too, THAT in 93% humidity with no possibility of a bath is my idea of misery. Dinner by candlelight with my kids was an adventure and sleeping without a/c is what we are used to anyway, we have no a/c.

It could have been a lot worse and I have an idea how things will shape up as we continue to degrade the environment in the 21st century and wars start over resources...anyone seen the Mad Max pictures?!?!?!?!?!


I live in Lakewood a suburb of Cleveland our power finally came back on at 8:30 this morning--happy my hubby had lot's of flashlights & batteries--also we had plenty of bottled water--lot alot of food however, and still have to boil the water for a couple of days. My Mother & sister live in Cleveland & did not get there electric back until 5:00 this evening. Amazing the things we take for granet. Of course my childrens first thought was "Oh we just wondered if you forgot to pay the bill" LOL

We're on 34th street on the East side. My DH works at Rockefeller Center. He walked to my office and we walked home together. We stopped at a restaurant in Soho for a cold drink, and then continued on. I never walked home from 34th before, but it really isn't bad. I live right on the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The whole time I kept worrying about my co-workers who live in Westchester and New Jersey. There were absolutely NO Metro-North trains running. I will have to wait til Monday to find out what happened to people. I guess sleeping on the sidewalk was relatively safe with all the police around.

Where do you work and live Carole? Just heard the subways are finally back!
Mari and Clare-

Glad you two made it through okay. I feel awful for those who didn't have water!!

I learned yesterday from the refridgerator repair people I spoke to that a refridgerator takes a GOOD 12 hours to come back to full frostiness. So I threw out a lot of stuff and went to the newly opened supermarket. But I found myself rather suspicious of things. They didn't even pretend that they got new stuff in at the deli counter, yet they were selling what they had. The amazing thing is that people were buying it. The dairy products were new and just delivered but I didn't trust them either. The power outage was so wide-spread that I found it hard to believe that the storage centers weren't affected. So I bought soy milk in a carton.

The city recovers so quickly. Even though subway service was still non-existent, all the restaurants in our neighborhood were open for business last night, and we went to one. They said there were a few dishes we couldn't have, but otherwise the menu was as usual, and they seemed to have plenty of staff.

It's heartening to see how well people cope!!
I work in Ann Arbor (MI) and lost the power but got home and we still had it. Never lost it at home. Went to work on Friday (I work at the University of Michigan) was there for a couple of hours and they sent us home because they needed to divert the electricity to the UofM hospital to keep it going. Didn't bother me, got to go home.

Hi I live in Westchester, NY and I was without power at home until about 4:00pm on friday. Boy you don't realize how dependent you are on electricity until you don't have any! I am begining to be more and more convinced to workout in the mornings. I had planned on working out in the evening that day.;(
Up here in Toronto we were without it in our area for 24 hrs. Went out about 4:10 on Thursday and came on about the same time on Friday. As of last night (Saturday night) there still were a couple of areas in the city that didn't have power. I am hesitantly using my computer as they advised we could experience rolling blackouts for the next while that could last up to 2 hours :eek: So far though we've not experienced that. I just couldn't stay away from Cathe :)
>We're on 34th street on the East side. My DH works at
>Rockefeller Center. He walked to my office and we walked home
>together. We stopped at a restaurant in Soho for a cold
>drink, and then continued on. I never walked home from 34th
>before, but it really isn't bad. I live right on the other
>side of the Brooklyn Bridge.
>The whole time I kept worrying about my co-workers who live in
>Westchester and New Jersey. There were absolutely NO
>Metro-North trains running. I will have to wait til Monday to
>find out what happened to people. I guess sleeping on the
>sidewalk was relatively safe with all the police around.
>Where do you work and live Carole? Just heard the subways
>are finally back!

I work on 45th and Sixth, but worked in Rockefeller Center for years. I live on Staten Island and lucked out because at the time I was leaving,I saw an express bus and jumped on it. After September 11, I felt that it was wise to just get back on the Island because we don't have a walking option. I was just talking to my friend who walked down 40 floors (in ROckefeller Center) and can't walk today and is planning to take off tomorrow. I keep telling her to stretch, but that would involve gettin off her chair. So I'll just listen and make sympathetic noises. I have another friend who is coming back to work on Monday after gastric bypass surgery. I'm so glad she wasn't in the office on Thursday, because she would not have been able to get out of the building and we didn't get emergency power till 4:20 pm on Friday. She decided to get the surgery because she was stranded for three days after September 11 because she was unable to walk anywhere.


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