Power Hour or Maximum Intensity Strength?


I posted this at YaYas & VF but wanted to get some input here.
I've had this DVD for ages but have never done these workouts. I was thinking of putting it on the YaYa swap but decided to preview the workouts & do some research at VF. I've been in a funk lately and haven't really worked out to my full hardcore self and the scale & my clothes are really showing it. x( Plus I'm needing some fresh total body strength workouts (fresh to me). PH looks good and I started to do it yesterday but I had my 9 yr. old GD with me for a few days & she just wanted Grandmas full attention so I had to stop. Funny how you shoo away your kids but coodle grandkids...:D
Anyway do you guys like these workouts & what kind of results (fat loss, weight loss, inches loss...anything...PLEASE...I'm desperate!!!. ) Summer is coming!!!!
Which one would be better to jump start myself again? Lose weight & gain definition?

My first strength workouts were both of these! I still have them,and will occasionally pull out PH. I love that workout! MIC is a good workout too,just couldn't get over the out dated look,LOL!(the dvd that i have has them both on there along with bodymax)

Back in Janurary 07 i got a barbell set,and PH/MIS. By the time spring came around i had dropped nearly 30lbs and around 14inches!!! I really shocked my body with those! Before i was just using bands and light dumbells! Oh,and I also started weight watchers in janurary too;-)

LOL at your comment on shooing away your kids and coodling your grandkids,my mom does the same thing. she calls to talk to my kids now...im always wondering"what about me?" LOL I understand though;-)

I personally value that DVD for the third workout on it: Body Max (the original). Whoop-@$$ step, step-power circuit, upper body and abs. I especially like the power circuit segment. Give that one a spin if you need to dust something off, as it has cardio and strength combined. Plus, you really sweat with this one, and I've developed a great respect for sweating as one of the indicators of an upper-margin energy-burning workout.

Don't get rid of it. I've made the mistake of dumping a Cathe workout before (in fact, it was Body Max in videocassette format) only to have to buy it again when I realized it had things I really wanted.


Recently I started workout again. Mainly I tried to gain back strength I used to have. I had PH/MIS for a long time, but this was the first time I did them. I loved it. It helped me to build up my strength.

My current routine mostly strength workout, about 3 or 4 times a week. I would like to use Power Circuit one. Do you think I can do Power Circuit in between PH and MIS or Can I use any circuit workout in between body part strength days?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
I think PH is a lot of fun to do and the workout goes by so quickly! It's a keeper!
PH is one of my all-time faves and I do it whenever I've had an "off" week and haven't worked out as much as I like, and a lot of times I do it as a way to get everything worked twice in a week. It ALWAYS leaves me with DOMS in my legs (can't ever figure out why) and the time flies!
I also really like PH and find I too do it in an "off week". The time goes fast and I always feel good afterwards. Definitely a keeper for me.
I'm more of a heavy lifter so I actually prefer MIS which you can go moderate to heavy. I've actually only used Power Hour a few times. Body Max is also a good all-around workout that's got it all.

I love PH and MIS....oldies but goodies (as well as BodyMax). I go as heavy as I can with good form on both and I'm always surprised at my soreness (especially with MIS). For some reason, b/c they are older, a little bit no nonsense, no gadgets except a BB, DB's, and a step bench, I feel like I'm not going to get a killer workout with them...but I ALWAYS do.
I love PH and MIS, too, as they are some of my first Cathe workouts. I love variety and work these in from time to time.

In fact, I did PH the other day and actually still feel it in my glutes. The squat and lunge sections are killer.

About MIS, I love how Cathe looks like she's having so much fun in the warmup. MIS abs are killer, too.

I will be keeping these workouts. They're oldies but still goodies.
Love PH!!! A great all over workout that is fun and the time goes fast!
MIS is a great workout too, but for me PH has a fun factor that MIS doesn't have.

In my opinion, this is one of the best workout DVD in the Cathe collection. I've been using MIS quite a lot in the past month lifting as heavy as possible. I like PH and BodyMax too. It was one of my first workout from Cathe and it's still one I can use again and again. I never get bored with this DVD. You can use this one DVD in so many ways: heavy, medium and light weight training, circuit cardio, step only, intervals etc. I could go on.


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