Power Hour - is it similar to MIS?


Hey anyone out there...I'm wondering if PH is similar to MIS? I have MIS, MIC, CTX, PS series, IM, Cardiokicks, several of her step videos. I love the PS series but wonder if PH would be a good alternative, since I don't like doing the same thing over and over after awhile? Would it be worth purchasing PH or should I just use MIS? Anyone who can help, I'd appreciate it.

I'd say go for it even if it is similar. Anytime you change the order of routines or do them just a bit different, it will confuse your muscles. Plus, it has the GREATEST music and will keep you motivated for looong time. I LOVE IT! Variety is the key!! Let us know what you decide.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yes!

Thanks Debbie! I think that will be my next purchase, along with Rhythmic Step. I'm contemplating the S&H series, as money allows!!! Appreciate the advice!
I don't hsve MIS but thought I would give you my $.02

Power hour uses lighter weights than PS series , but Cathe goes on for a long time with each exercise. Sometimes I think the legs portion will NEVER end! I like getting thru power hour; it feels like a great accomplishment. My rotations tend to alternate between PH and PS series. One or another but not both in one rotation.

Cathe recommended in a thread using PH and MIS in combination for a muscular enduance rotation. (Read rotation thread on ask Cathe forum) God luck to you!

all things in moderation :)
They both kill me, however, I think PH is a lot tougher on my legs, those "low ends" are hard.

It takes me extra time to get through both of these work outs because I get too winded and have to rest some. I definatley think they are both great work outs and I try to do one or the other once a week along with my firm tapes.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-02 AT 09:23AM (Est)[/font][p]oops - my post appeared three times so I'm deleting two.

I have both of these workouts, and Power Hour is more of an endurance type of workout than a strength workout. You use lower weights and the sets are a lot longer. I really dread the low-end static lunges in Power Hour - they go on forever! The nice thing about Power Hour is that it's only an hour and you work every muscle group and may even get a bit of a cardio effect since the moves go on and on and on! Even though this one uses lower weights and is shorter than MIS, I find it more challenging. One more thing - the music in PH really goes with the rhythm of the moves, which for me, makes it more tolerable. I hope this helps.

RE: silly me bad typing !!!!

I'm always in a hurry! It made me laugh to re-read it:)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: silly me...bad typing !!!!

I'm always in a hurry! It made me laugh to re-read it:)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: silly me...bad typing !!!!

I'm always in a hurry! It made me laugh to re-read it:)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)

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