Power Hour & FitTv


For those of you that get Fittv, and have seen Power Hour, how much of the workout is cut out? I taped it today, because I may eventually purchase this, and wanted to see if I liked it. The lowerbody portion seemed awfully short. If I know Cathe, she works the legs a little longer than what FitTv showed me. The upperbody looks good, but can anyone tell me what I am actually missing out on?
I can't edit this any longer so I hope I can make this easier to answer. Well, I did the taped lower body portion of the FitTv Power Hour this morning. It consisted of 10 minutes of squats with barbell and plie squats. I am assuming that was only half of the lower body. Are there leg presses or lunges? I don't need to know details I just would like to know what type of lower body exercises are missing. The ab section seemed short too. I just know Cathe would have fatigued me a little more than what I felt today. But I also did Imax2 so 10 minutes of leg work felt like enough for today. :eek:
I've not seen Power Hour on tv, but if you saw no lunges then they were certainly cut. There is a great and KILLER lunge section in Power Hour that utilizes the barbell as well as dumbells. What in the world is Power Hour without the killer lunges?!
The whole workout is very exhausting (in a very good way) for the whole body. The ab section really gets me; I can't even complete it with out modification. It sounds like it was very edited on FitTV.
I can tell you that the entire unedited version of Power Hour is 60 minutes in duration. It covers each body part thoroughly where you definitely "feel the burn."
For all you that have and love power hour, do you like it as well as maximum intensity strength, thank you. I have MIS.

Have a great day, I am still undecided weather to order all the hardcore tapes or just a few, I only have a few days YIKES!!.

back to work, thanks everyone

Debbie:) :D :7 :+ :D ;-)
It sounds like the lunge portion is left out. I think it follows shoulders. I dread this part of Power Hour. My legs are begging for mercy!
Here is the breakdown of the sequences. I know there are also plies in there somewhere. (Maybe with the squat section???)It's been awhile since I did this workout but it's a goodie! Get it...you won't be disappointed.

Warm up

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks Debbie, you are always so helpful, I do appreciate it, and enjoy reading your posts. I know I have asked this question before, SO SORRY EVERYONE. I love MIS, I get a complete body work out, I believe it is about 73 minutes long. I guess I wanted to make sure the 2 MIS and PH were not almost the same. I think I will go look at the descriptions on the dvd's. I have heard it time and time again that POWER hour and body max were awesome work outs, SO THEN I MIGHT AS WELL ORDER IT ALREADY GEEZ, WE CAN'T GO WROMG WITH CATHE, RIGHT?.

Thank you Debbie

P.S., I LOVE YOUR NAME!!!!!:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :D :eek: :+ :7

MIS and Power Hour are endurance workouts; however, MIS has some breaks in between sets. Power Hour doesn't have any breaks. You just do a ton of repetitions per body part prior to a well deserved stretch. I think they are complementary.
>For all you that have and love power hour, do you like it as
>well as maximum intensity strength, thank you. I have MIS.

Power Hour is quite different from MIS (& I love both). PH is an endurance strength workout while MIS is more strength building with much fewer reps & a break between sets. In general, PH keeps on moving through an exercise, with Cathe changing the timing. Example you'll do single squats, then 3 down & 1 up, some 2&2's, some low ends (ouch) & some hover squats (sequence is out of order & I'm sure I missed some bun burner). I've never counted how many reps, but it's high. You'll get a little rest & then start plie's

Cathe really hits the postural muscles in PH. And I believe, that this is when she first added plank work to the ab section. Slow & Heavy came out at the same time, & that series also has plank work & lots of postural adjustments.

You must have a DVD if you're considering the hardcore series. The Power Hour+ DVD has PH, MIS, & another classic, Body Max. You might want to get the DVD & sell your VHS copy of MIS. Just an idea.

Thank you Lorrayne, Debra & Emuench, for your responses too. I am ordering it in the a.m. before work for sure and maybe some of the hardcore work outs or all of them, free shipping, on the one dvd with PH, bm, and MIS. IT SOUNDS LIKE SUCH AN AWESOME DVD WOOO----HOOOO.

The 3 work outs I am really excited about in the hardcore seies is the kickbox, Imax3, and the core work out, I bet the rest of you ordered them all.

Thank you all for helping me spend my hard earned money. I feel it is for my health, and I have always worked full time my whole life, so I am going for the gusto, yippp----eeeee

Debbie}( }( :) :7 :+ :) :) :D ;)

LOVE your name too! :7 Actually, my real name is Debra like yours! You are absolutely right...you can't go WRONG with any of Cathe's tapes. Eventually you will have them all. There may be some that appear to be the same but they all have their own flair as far as music, intensity and most of all, a different order of exercises to "shake" things up. Sooo, did you order??? :)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Debra123!

I am ordering right after my work out.

I am trying to figure which websight a lot of you ordered the hardcore series on with no charge to my charge card until they are shipped. I postet a message above so hopefully I can find out, YIPPEEE, i AM GOING FOR THE GOLD.


Have a great day Debbie:) :+ :7

Debbie:) :7
Thank you Debra's, Debbie's, Deb's. There are alot of you on here.;-) Seriously, thanks for the feedback about the workouts. I knew quite a bit would be cut out. But, now I know I definitely plan on getting this dvd. I was really loving that ab section on PH and all of a sudden it was cut off. I rarely watch Fittv anymore, but the commercials on that station seem to be getting longer and workouts shorter. Well at least I get to see the Cathe's that I don't have so I can decide what I want. Thanks again, you all said what I was hoping to here.
I have done all the workouts on fit tv by cathe. The workouts add up to a 45 min workout instead of a 60 min and thats with the annoying commercials. I still love the workouts they are great I end up jogging until it resumes.
Hi there,

Please, could you explain how one goes about getting FitTV? Do I have to order it from my cable company? How many different workouts and how often are they showed?

Thanks~Deb D.

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