Power hour dvd or Crosstrain express??


I got some money for my birthday and would like to get one of these dvd's. I'm sure eventually I'll end up with both, but for right now I can only get one of the other. Which one???:p
I have most of Cathe's other workouts, except for KPC and basic step. I think those are the only 2 others that I don't have.
I second Cross train express. You get a lot of bang for your buck with that series! Don't get me wrong...I would also suggest Pour HOur....however, if you had to choose ONE...I would go with CTX series!

Enjoy shopping!!
Here's another vote for CTX. This is the most versatile off all Cathe's series, in my opinion. I pull this one out several times a month (compared to using Power Hour only a few times a year). The cardio segments are great as add-ons to weight workouts.

Make sure you check ctx backorder. I have been waiting at least 2 months for mine. Still waiting. I can hardly wait until I get it. Just a thought.
I guess I agree with everyone else. CTX will give you variety. PH+ is mostly weight work (and is fabulous, especially PH) but if you want a little of everything, CTX will give it to you. Just don't forget to get PH+ later, LOL!
Okay, thanks everyone......it seems that CTX it is ! But yes, its on back order, blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. But I want it and I want it NOW!!!!!:-( x( lol I guess I need to be patient. But that' not one of my strongest qualities!!
Thanks for all the responses and help!!:D
I look forward to one day soon having it and then shopping for Power Hour next.;-)
I have been waiting since May......................x( x( x( not sure what the hold up is - its worse than Victoria Secrets backorders, but hopefully worth the wait!
I bought CTX on Ebay!
I hope I'm not sorry ......but I'm just too anxious to wait however long for it to get off back order!!!
It should be waiting for me when I get home from vacation! What a treat!!!
Thanks everybody!

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