Power Circuit

Melissa F

Wow, I just had to tell you that Power Circuit really looks great! I *loved* the step/kickbox circuits...they really looked like a lot of fun.

Traffic must have been very light this morning, because there were only a couple of times where it stopped for "buffering."

I'm looking forward to the next premiere!
SNM, Please help!!!

Just tried to get into the Cathe TV, with limited success. I have windows 98, IE 5.0, and downloaded the 7.0 Media Player. I get great sound, but my picture is sporatic(did I spell that right?). I have a 56 modem. What else do you need to know about my system? What should I do now? Can you help me?????!!!!!!!!
same here

Thursday with version 6.4 I had better reception
than today. Is there anyway I need to optimize the
media player 7.0 ? Maybe I'll just try a later broadcast.


The last show we optimized the broadcast for audio. This means the sound quality was better, but the picture quality was worse. We didn't like it so we're going to change it back.

You guys are making it difficult to be patient!!! Power Circuit looks fun and tough...I really like the core stabilization exercises! I also have had difficulties only with the video, not the audio...but at least I have got the basic idea! I look forward to your next premiere

(still) Impatient in Iowa
Same problem at 9:00 PM showing, too.

Is it me or your tweaking this time? Again, audio is good, video comes and goes. Frustrating!!!
I know you gotta work out the bugs, so we'll be patient, we promise!!!!!
Some things to check

First, did you change the settings in Media Player for your modem connection speed? And by the way, what speed are you connecting at?

Second, try viewing in full screen. I know this may sound strange, but sometimes when you are having trouble with Media Player displaying the picture this helps.
What should the detection setting be?

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-00 AT 09:56PM (EST)</font></center>

I see under the "Connection speed" that you can pick "Detect my connection speed (recommended)" OR "My connection speed is: " Which one is the best one to pick?

I went in to the "Options" just now...

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-00 AT 08:30AM (EST)</font></center>

...and it says my connection speed is "28.8 Kbps" with no broadcast going on. Should I wait till you are playing a video to check it? What should I set it at? I saw by a "Leaner Legs" post that you recommended setting the modem to 56K. I have the 7.0 Media player, so I guess I can do that. Also, what do you mean by "full screen?" I can click on an icon the removes the dividing line on the black screen. Is that what you mean?

So many questions!!! But I'm excited that I have a computer that allows me to do this!!!!!!

Thanks for you help!!!

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