Well according to these two articles/lists, my family doesn't have to worry about heavy metal build up! We eat a ton of fresh produce and especially sulfur-rich foods; I will eat raw onion sandwiches in the summer! Great for me, bad for everyone else! That and according to one list if you have adequate iron levels, that helps to prevent lead absorption. All the more reason to add some cast iron cooking to your day!
So if we do not use iron cooking pans, will meat give us enough iron? I eat a lot of beef because I really don't care for poultry.
My sister became anemic because she doesn't eat a lot of meat. I was anemic after I gave birth to my second child, and the doctor told me to take a multi-vitamin with iron and eat red meat.
I honestly had no idea so many veggies contained lead.
LOL about the onions! My mother ate green onions with every meal...oh Lord, onion breath!