Potential Cathe Newbie looking for suggestions


Hi gang,

I've been reading some of the threads and I'm very impressed by the quality of information. I feel encouraged and motivated as I read on.
This is will be a longish post, please indulge me.

I've seen Cathe's name and dvds come up regularly in the videofitness.com forums. I'm a high intermediate excersizer and for several weeks - months even - I've been on a semi-plateau. I've lost 53 lbs in the past 2 years. Last October I deepened my commitment to a healthy lifestyle. In that time, my average weight loss was 5 lbs a month. Now, I lose a pound or 2, then maintain or sway for several weeks. Frustrating. x(

I think it's time I increase the intensity of my workload and Cathe F seems to be the go-to instructor for advanced classes. I need to take it to the next level.

I have some issues with my knees (just have to be careful) and my back so I've been reluctant in doing step classes. I recently started doing Karen Voight's Energy Sprint and I liked it. Still, I don't see myself doing step more than twice a week, to be safe. Complex step moves aren't for me, especially since I'm new to it.

I'd like suggestions on Cathe videos that don't require buying new equipment such as: bar bells etc. I'm in a small space and travel frequently so anything that requires big/heavy equipment and floorspace is a problem. So far, I see Kick Max as the only non equipment dvd. Are there more?
The KPC & Legs/Glutes has gotten such great reviews that I'm even considering getting a stability ball (easy for travel). I like that it's a high intensity, low impact cardio routine. Those are hard to find.

I'll be traveling again in about 6 weeks, but I'm willing to give some of Cathe's step workouts a try in that time. I have some mini-goals set for that time and I think this could help.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

1st off if you did karen's energy sprint with no problem you will be a challenged with cathe.
I say start out with lo max.Great workout low impact.
KPC is good no equipment needed. Kick max also kick boxing no equipment needed.
Then i say Imax 2, then rythmic step,step max, then imax 3 the tough one. Any of her other videos you will need equipment for. You can view any of them on the home page.
She has a really long clip of her videos.
Her coreography is tougher, but , it comes. After you figure out a segment it is like oh i was making that hard.
I have every firm , voight and many others and i can say cathe as by far the best.
You will notice more improvements with her dvd's.
Good luck.

Thanks for your suggestions. I will research them. I'm definitely getting Kick Max for sure.

Are the dvds only available on-line? I've checked the fitness sections of Borders and Best Buy but didn't see any Cathe videos.

Both you and Tallchick have me feeling inspired and excited to give Cathe a try. :)
Hi, Marigot! I'm am copying / pasting a post I put up a few months ago, for Cathe-ites who travel a lot and want to do an in-room workout (with cardio and band-resistance components) that don't require a lot of equipment. The titles of each of the workouts are listed; all of these are DVD suggestions, and at times there are multiple workouts on each disc. I do suggest you invest in a resistance band so that you can get some good muscle building in; this in addition to a stability ball is very easy to pack.

We're all very gifted at spending your money for you.



Cardio suggestions:

"Cardio Kicks" (on same DVD as "Circuit Max")

Maximum Intensity Cardio floor segment (modify travelling moves by substituting moderate moves like marches in place or side-to-side steps all the way up to high intensity stuff like plyo jacks, plyo lunges or the like)

"Kick Punch Crunch"

"Kick Max"

("CTX" stands for "Cross-Train Express" series; 6 workouts on 2 DVDs)
"CTX Power Circuit" warm-up and hi/lo
"CTX 10-10-10" kickbox warm-up and cardio plus hi/lo (again, modify for floor space requirements as noted above)
"CTX Kickbox"

"Step Jump Pump" hi/lo add-on sequence premix

Resistance training without equipment or with the band:

Chest: push-ups, push-ups and more push-ups (couldn't find anything using the band for pecs)

"Muscle Max":
Band leg presses for glutes, hams and quads
PAUSE and perform push-ups for pecs
"Muscle Max" ab/core routine
Band lateral shoulder raises for the middle deltoid
Band triceps kickbacks
Optional: triceps dips off of a chair with one leg raised

"Gym Style Legs":
Leg Press with band
Inner Thigh Lifts with band
Vertical Outer Thigh press with band
Outer Thigh Raise with band

"Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps":
Back T-Back Squeeze with band
Shoulder Front Raise with band
Shoulder Lateral Raise with band
Shoulder Rear Delt Raise with band
PAUSE: fashion the band as if you were going to do leg presses, but instead hold the band in an underhand grip and perform traditional biceps curls (you'll have to play with the length of the band from floor to grip to create the tension you need)

"Gym Style Chest and Triceps":
Chest: push-ups, push-ups and more push-ups
Band Bonus Burn Cross-Body Extensions
Band Bonus Burn Kickback

A suggested mini-rotation for your hotel room would be to do about 30-35 minutes of cardio utilizing the workouts noted above, and then get in at least one exercise for each muscle group from the DVDs noted above using the band for an overall muscle conditioning experience.

And, since you're packing a band anyway for the resistance work, sling in the "Core Max" and "Stretch Max" DVD's to get everything in.

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