I just received a very nice, though indirect, compliment today. A friend of mine told me that an acquaintance of ours that we both saw a couple of weeks ago (I hadn't seen her for over 6 months) later asked her if I worked out. My friend answered that I work out "all the time"!, and the acquaintance responded that I was looking buff. The flip side of this, is that she also said that she always thought of me as "frail"! [Of course, this "frail" thing could just be in comparison to her, as she looks kind of like a stereotypical female prison guard or semi driver.]
I'll latch on to the "buff" (though I don't really think I'm there yet!) as motivation to keep up my workout routine.
Me, buff...somebody who was always chosen last for gym class teams! [must have looked too frail then!]
I'll latch on to the "buff" (though I don't really think I'm there yet!) as motivation to keep up my workout routine.
Me, buff...somebody who was always chosen last for gym class teams! [must have looked too frail then!]