Positive reinforcement!


I just received a very nice, though indirect, compliment today. A friend of mine told me that an acquaintance of ours that we both saw a couple of weeks ago (I hadn't seen her for over 6 months) later asked her if I worked out. My friend answered that I work out "all the time"!, and the acquaintance responded that I was looking buff. The flip side of this, is that she also said that she always thought of me as "frail"! [Of course, this "frail" thing could just be in comparison to her, as she looks kind of like a stereotypical female prison guard or semi driver.]

I'll latch on to the "buff" (though I don't really think I'm there yet!) as motivation to keep up my workout routine.

Me, buff...somebody who was always chosen last for gym class teams! [must have looked too frail then!]
:D Good for you Kathryn! Isn't it great when someone notices all the hard work you put in? I know my positive reinforcement is the new style of clothes I can wear (junior style low cut jeans and stretch tops). It makes me feel so good along with the compliments I receive!:)
Sometimes we get caught up in the routine of things. I mean, we workout because that is what we do for ourselves. But when someone else notices our hard work, it seems to make it all worthwhile, even though we would still do it anyway. Am I making any sense? :D

Bottom line, congratulations Kathryn for all your hard work giving you these extra dividends. :D
Yes, you're right Wanda!

I usually forget all about it, but occasionally someone notices, and I remember, "Oh that's right! I've been busting my butt for 25 years while most people don't! I have respectable muscles and negligible blubber lumps and that is somewhat unusual, isn't it?"

To me it is just normal, but sometimes I get a pleasant reality check.

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