


I have an awful pooch where my stomach used to be before my twins were born 2 1/2 years ago. I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of to get rid of it. Is this something I will need to learn to live with?

PS I am still breastfeeding the twins. Can this have something to do with it??
"pooch"--Join the Club

My "baby" is 10 years old, and I have the same problem! I know it's small consolation, but you aren't alone!

I think I am going to order Ab Attack by Trish Muse. That tape has received wonderful endorsements by the people on the VF forum. It approaches abs from the the standard crunch-type exercises, then includes pelvic stabilization as well.

I think it's worth a try!

Good luck! May we both get rid of the Pooch!

Pooch - me too

I have the same pooch from having a child three years ago. It seems like everyone who has had a child wants to get rid of it but can't! On another forum, I read about a method for working the abs which has received good reviews and is supposed to be effective, its the Meriam Matthews method. I haven't had time to check it out yet, but thought I might pass along the suggestion. Let me know if you think its worth looking at!

Here it is: www.fitnessrecipes.com/sitemap.htm

Good luck!
Hi... I have had three kids within the past 4 years, and so of course I have a little pooch myself. Here is my two cents on this topic.. you can do crunches until your blue in the face, but in order to get rid of the pooch you have to be very strict with a nutrition plan!! I know I can get rid of my pooch, and I know it will be the very last ounce of fat that will come off of me. But I guess I just don't want it enough to go without my favorite foods every once in awile. Cathe, let us know what you think, or did...since you obviously have NO POOCH!!!!
My 2 cents

I think for 50-75% of women, the belly area is the last area to lose fat. You can have rock-hard abs, with a blob of fat over them, and when you lose the weight with dieting and cardio, it will be the last place to get thin. This is genetic. It gets worse for most after child-bearing, but I'll bet most of you complaining about pooches had some problem with the area before having babies. If Cathe were to suddenly gain 50 lbs (just theoretically of course!) it might all go on her hips, or on her butt or something. Maybe she is just genetically gifted in addition to being in amazing shape. I think that short of liposuction or very low bodyfat from diet and cardio, people with a pooch will just have a pooch. It's not a crime!
Yep, I agree...

...five kids and many years later (oldest almost 19, youngest 9) I still have a pooch. Always have, always will, even at my new fit weight...
Hey Joanna!

Great bio. 5 KIDS!! That's incredible! You are entitled to have a pooch! Keep up the good work. Also, when you decide to get MIS & BodyMax, you'll be thrilled. Both are super tapes! DebbieH
Hi everyone,
I was going to ask the very same question, I have 3 kids, oldest 17, youngest 9 and I still have a pooch. I am at wits end, because it won't go, and I have a fairly good sized rear, so it give me a funny shape. I workout hard and find it harder and harder to lose this lower body fat.
That and I tend to find that if you like your legs and

butt - you hate your belly. And, if you like your belly, I bet you hate your hips and/or legs and butt.

I agree with everything Gamber said and yes, even before children, I wished I had a flatter addomen. But hey, I like my legs, butt, arms, back, shoulders so I guess you just can't have everything - but you can still try. Seriously though, I think it can be done with very strict and rigid dieting but who wants to stop menustrating to achieve that look? And, chocolate just has to have some place in my life.

The other thing is that the pooch is also loose and stretched skin from pregnancy and I think short of surgery, there is no way to get rid of some of it. Good genetics definitely play a role here too I think.

Just my thoughts this evening.

Pooch Without having Children

I have never born children and I have a pooch. It wasn't as poochy when I was younger but after 40 it got a little poochier. And I totally agree that its genetics. Like I said I haven't had children and I have one then there are girls I know who have had 2-3 kids who have a pancake flat stomach. It isn't fair!!! Oh well, thats life.

May be worth a try.....

Hi Nancy,

I am 34 with a 6 yr old son and feel exactly the same way. but a month ago I bought a couple of yoga videos and started doing them in the mornings in addition to my cardio & strength in the evenings. The yoga postures especially when held for a long time seem to stretch all the muscles and this somehow makes me appear thinner.
Although these poses do not directly target the abdomen, You can feel it in the abs (and a lot of muscles which I didn't know existed).
I am not an experienced exerciser and this is just my humble opinion.
I still don't have flat abs but now, I do have a hope.
Good luck.

I have the family pooch - and there's nothin' I can do about it. I could lose weight, tone up --and my pooch would still be there. I asked a PT at Video Fitness about it during a special chat with her, and she advised liposuction (if I was determined to get rid of it) and I have to say I've considered it!

Good Grief!! I think I draw the line at going under the knife. I'm too much of a chicken. Besides, that money could buy a LOT of videos!
Now...that's a good justification for the cost of Ab Attack!

I'd better update that bio...

...I now have and am using both tapes! They are great. I especially like BodyMax. And, I am actually beginning to look forward to lifting (EEK - did I really say that !?!

Thanks for touching base...sometimes I feel more like a lurker than a participant, so the interchange is fun!!


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