Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after pre...


Active Member
There is a poll on another board about this very topic. I wanted to see if the results were the same, or different for habitual exercisers.

As for me, I am still pregnant, so I don't know yet!

Please post whatever stats you are confortable with.
Same!!!! :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after...

I think my body has gotten better with each pregnancy. I never worked out before having kids. I was always thin, 5'6" and 120lbs. but never fit and strong until I started weight training and walking 6 months after my 1st daughter was born and continued till I got pregnant with my 2nd daughter. Now I'm almost 2 years post-partum and I look and feel better than I did in high school(except for maybe my abs-I want Cathe's!). I now weigh 116 and you can see muscle-thanks to Cathe! I am a little nervous about getting pregnant again, though. I'm getting older(31) and I don't know if my body can bounce back again-very vain, I know. I need to remind myself that this body, whatever shape it's in, gave me the best gifts ever-my two beautiful girls!!

Is your body worse, better, or the same after pregnancy

That should be pregnancy at the end of the subject line!

I thought exercise would make a difference! Glad to hear it. On the other board most women said worse (but it is all worth it of course). But they didn't say whether or not they exercise (I'm thinking not).
I started working out for the first time consistantly in my life and I definately have a better body than before my pregnancy! It definately can be done!
I would definitely say that my body is better after pregnancy. I have had 2 kids and am currently pregnant with #3 (almost 30 yo) so we will see if the same holds true this time, but I don't see why it wouldn't. Like the other poster, I began working out when pregnant with my first, so although I was always thin, I had better muscle tone and was much more fit. My waist still looks great to the point that when my husband was showing pictures of our hawaii trip (I'm in a bikini with our 2 little ones) they are surprised that I have had two kids. I do feel as if I gained maybe an inch of extra skin, it's kind of orange peel looking around my belly button, but that only shows when I bend forward 90 degrees. Otherwise, flat as a board. I do wish it wasn't there though! But they are definitely worth it! The one place that is definitely worse is my breasts. Since I am so thin, and I nursed both for 1 year, they are like nipples with some droopy skin. I joke with my friends that I have a pancake with a nipple on it when I'm standing erect. Hands over my head, just a nipple. I never understood boob jobs until after I weaned my first!
Oh...well I think worse, but I am focusing on some problem abs areas that have some excess skin on them. I DID workout quite regularly before, was (am still) thin, my muscle has been better (I have 3 very young kids) with not enough workouts lately. That's ok though, I am more comfortable than I have ever been in my body...and I am done having kids now so I have the rest of my life to sculpt and get leaner and workout. So I guess it depends on the day! :)

I m a work in progress!

Well, my daughter is pushing 20, so my body is way better. But way back then, I did work out through the whole pregnancy, with running, swimming, biking and some weights. I started back up about 6 weeks after childbirth and by 3-4 months was "the same" as before I got pregnant. But then, as I discovered the Firm, and then Cathe, it got way better. Of course, in some areas, it couldn't hurt to be 27 again, but no amount of exercise would help that!
I'd have to say that mine is worse but that is due to my own negligence. I walked everyday while I was pregnant and ate very healthy but once my son came I got very lazy and did not lose the weight. 3 years later I finally decided to do something about it. So right now I"m my pre-pregnancy weight w/20 more to lose. I let this be a lesson to me, that when I decide to have another baby, that I continue the lifestyle that I have now.
RE: Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after...

Definitely better (discounting the stretch marks). I was afraid of gaining weight after having a baby but postpartum, I started working out to Cathe and the Firm. At first, my main goal of working out was to lose my baby fat but I just cannot ignore how good I felt after each workout. Exercising has done wonders on my self esteem too! As a result, my body looks much better and weighs much less than before I got pregnant. Having a baby definitely changed my life. Not only am I a proud mother of a beautiful baby boy (who looks just like his mom :) ), but I'm leading a healthy lifestyle as well.
Um, well, worse probably but only because it is harder to find the time and energy for consistent workouts. My weight and size is the same, I just don't have as much muscle as I'd like. Working on that though.... I'm definitely not giving up!

RE: Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after...

I was in great shape after our first 3 kids. Our 4th was a difficult pregnancy and I gained 80 (yes I am ashamed--insert hanging-head smiley here) pounds. Afterwards, because of continued complications with the baby, I did not exercise and so did not lose all the weight.

I started to exercise again regularly with Cathe right before I discovered that we were expecting our 5th. I excercised through the pregnancy and gained the least I'd ever gained (even though I started out at about 30 lbs overweight.)

Since 2 weeks postpartum, I have lost 33 lbs and am in the best shape that I've been in in a long time. Not where I was after the first 3, but closing the gap. And here is the weird thing, I must have way more muscle, because the last time I wore a size 6-8, I weighed about 12 lbs less. My goal is a comfortable size 4. (I am 5'4" with a medium frame.)

Anyway, I think that with regular exercise, you will get your body back--except for maybe the loose tummy skin and the boob issues.

edited to add that I was a regular exerciser (gym and running--not videos) before, during and after our first 3 babies)

The "shape" of my body is the same post pregnancy, but in other aspects, my body is worse. I lost control of my anal sphincter (that would be my butt hole, ha ha!), and have terrible incontinence resulting from that. Basically my butt hole feels really stretched out, like so loose I could stick my finger right in. Sorry to be so graphic, but if it happens to anyone in this forum, you'll know
I'm the one to come talk to. Also stress urinary incontinence. Both are results of pregnancy and childbirth. Both will require surgery, and there isn't a 100 % success rate either. They don't tell you about these risks while you're pregnant!

Edited to add: Oh, the "shape" of my body is the same except for saggy breasts!
I think you should have a "different" category. I am 41 and have 11, 9 and 3 yr old children. I am 5'6" and weigh about 133. I gained 30 lbs with each pregnancy and NEVER stopped exercising except for 4 weeks post-partum. I used to weigh 125 pre-pregnancy but that was also 11 years ago so you have to factor in a slower metabolism, not just having kids. My body is thicker in the middle now, not really fat. I think that is because of all the core training I do now. I used to only run so I was pretty thin in the mid-section. Your body just changes, your hips get a bit wider and your breasts take a beating. But it is all worth it.
> Your body
>just changes, your hips get a bit wider and your breasts take
>a beating. But it is all worth it.

Hey a sexy bra does wonders for those beat up breasts! :)
My body is 'squishier' and there is saggy belly where there was a tighter belly.

BUT.... I think that it makes a HUGE difference in your age as well. I turned 40 a month after finding out I was PG with my first. Once I knew I was PG it was like all the energy I had was zapped from me, never to return. At least not while I was PG. I was in the best shape of my adult years, having just lost 20 lbs. by cleaning up my diet and doing Cathe 4-5 times a week when I got PG so I'd hate to think what my body would be like had I not been in that shape prior.

I don't have any children, and I thought I'd check this part of the forum out just to see the answers. I must say--this honest post has added to my choice to remain childless! I have other reasons than just body destruction, mind you...
But, my hat is off to all of you exercising moms out there!

RE: Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after...

I have been exercising all my life. Weight up and down..typical
But after my first was born I got a fire under my butt after seeing the delivery room pictures and dedicated myself to myself.
Added weights, tried kickboxing and floor aerobics (i used to do step only)and BAM my body changed and I got into size 8 jeans at 6 months post partum. Thanks to Cathe's variety, I would have not tried anything else, because I exercise to NO ONE else. She is awesome.
Now I am pregnant with baby #2, and am still exercising at 5 months and have only put on 15 pounds. I plan on only 30 as opposed to the 55 I put on with my 1st.
So YES it can be done, with a lot of sweat and dedication.:)

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