Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after pre...

I have not been pregnant in a long time, but wante dto add my 2 cents worth. I got pregnant the first time at age 21. I was 5'7'' and 145lbs. I satrted exercising when my daughter was 1 yr old and got my weight down to 110 ( too low). Then had 2 more babies, 2 yrs apart. Gaining 50 lbs :( with each one. But was able to lose all the weight thru exercising and breastfeeding. Now I am 7 yrs post my last child, 34 yrs old and weigh 120lbs. 25 lbs less than when I started! Can't beat exercise and good/decent eating habits. If you are planning to breastfeed ( this is only a bonus) remember your body burns 400-500 calories a day making milk!! Have fun.
RE: Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after...

Better, much better!

9 months post partum I'm 30 pounds lighter than I was before I got pregnant. I now weigh the same as I did in my fitness instructor days in college. I was already very active pre-pregnancy and I still can't lift as heavy as I did then, but I'm getting there. Time is a lot tighter than it used to be, but my husband watches the baby while I work out and I really feel a lot better for the "me" time. The only thing is, I have stretch marks on my belly now, but my core strength has recovered and overall I feel a lot better. I thought pregnancy would be a disaster for my body, but it hasn't worked out that way at all, I'm happy to say!

RE: Poll: Is your body worse, better, or the same after...

Absolutely better! But it's taken a lot of time and loads of sweat!

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