Polar F11 Owners - Help


Is your monitor picking up 'electro-magnetic' signals from your TV or DVD-VCR? Mine seems to be doing this as my hr sometimes reads as 120+% which is pretty impossible. Anyway, Polar technicians say it's due to above mentioned signals. Very curious if anyone else is having this problem (also does yours freeze from time to time)? Please let me know before I do something stupid which will be to buy another one before I send mine back to be looked at.
Thank you.
All I can add is that I have not had the problems that you mention. If you can, go out and buy a different HR monitor and try it out and see if the same thing happens. If the alternative one works then I would return the F11 for a refund.
Hi Caren,

I have the Polar F11 and have not had the problems you mentioned. I did have that happen with my Polar A5 before I got the F11, though. If I got too close to the TV, it would read a 00 HR, and beep at me. Sometimes if I was close to the microwave, also.

I have had my heart rate up to 100% and even a bit above but I did it on purpose, just to see how I felt at that level. I once thought I had a real problem because it (the F11) was reading my HR at like 65, 70, 80...then I realized I had it set to show % and not actual rate. I must have somehow changed the setting while going through the buttons to get my data.

I have the F11 too and I have not experienced any of these problems. Maybe you got a "lemon F11". I would send it back and ask for another one!

Well, according to Polar there is some kind of current doing it to it - so they do suggest sending it back to look at it. I do think I got a lemon F11, but I decided to take advantage of their exchange of an older HR (my old A5) for a new F11 at 30% off. I am addicted to that F11 and don't want to be without one while they're figuring out why this one keeps freezing as well as picking up the currents. It wasn't doing any of this for the first 4 months that I had it.
30% off!! Wow! I would have loved to get a bargain like that. Try what Julie suggested...see if you get a bit further away from the T.V. if it works okay.
My F11 does this at times. My treadmill has a built-in HR monitor--it's actually a Polar--but it's old and I wanted the separate watch for tracking my workouts. Between the two HR monitors, my tv remote, and my MP3 player, the HR goes zooey sometimes--tells me my HR is 290 or something insane like that. I've had the HR monitor for about a year, and maybe once or twice I've had to stop, turn off the HR monitor, move it away from all the other electronic gadgets until it resets itself. But that's only happened one or two times. Also, I find that if the strap isn't tight enough--usually at the end of my workout--I will get a reading of 78 or so. I have to move the front of the strap and make sure it's pressing my skin. If it's happening a lot with your monitor, you probably need to have Polar fix it--it shouldn't be THAT sensitive.
Call Polar - I asked if they still had the trade-in deal and was told it was always on - just call and ask about it.
I have the M32 and I cannot use it near the TV or it freezes or goes to 0. The Polar people said that it's interference from the TV. I have also noticed when I ride outside under electric lines it will also mess up. I bought it mainly for doing Spinervals and I can set the bike far enough away from it so it works fine for that. I'm wondering, though, if it needs to be looked at by Polar. Maybe it's a lemon or too sensitive.

so funny I found this thread! I just purchased the F11 in their trade-up program, too! Got $50 off! It should be here in day or two. Overall, is everyone pretty happy with theirs? I am moving up from the M52.

I did everything I was supposed to do with my F11 this weekend (cleaning per Polar instructions) and it still whacked out this morning - so I'm sending it back - it must be a lemon. However, will wait until I get the new one tomorrow just to make sure it isn't my apt. Though why it would suddenly happen, after months of not having any interference, doesn't make sense to me. If yours keeps acting up - you should call them.
My polar A5 would freeze sometimes and I am sending that in to be looked at. In the mean time I have purchased the F11 and I love it so far. I've only had it about a month or so.

Good Luck,

Thank you - I'm also sending my F11 back - did get a new one in the exchange program they offer for 30% off. Have used it 4 days in a row now and it hasn't frozen or jumped up to 100+% once!

I have a Polar M32 and it froze at times and also registered 0 heart rate. Sometimes I knew I was in my anaerobic zone and it registered a very low heart rate... My monitor was still covered by my warranty so I sent it to Polar, and they determined that I needed a battery change. I had used it for 1.5 years, exercising @ least 50 - 60+ minutes at a times 6 - 7 days a week. Maybe you need a battery. Also, I have been too close to my tv and it stopped, when I backed up some, the monitor returned to normal. I hope this helps....

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