Pointers for Beginner Jogger


Hi Cathe! I'd like to start instituting jogging into my already busy repetoire!! I know you jog yourself. Can you give me any pointers for a beginner? I'm not new to exercise; been doing you for 12 yrs. so that definitely constitutes me as being ADVANCED! Ha! I plan on being fitted w/some very good running shoes. Can you help me? TIA, Kathy:D
Hi, Kathy--

I'm obviously not Cathe, but have you tried the Runner's World magazine website? www.runnersworld.com They have a wealth of information for beginning runners. I'm sure Cathe will have some great tips, but you might want to check out their website as well.

Good luck and enjoy jogging; it's one of the best fat-blasters out there!

Running is totally different than what you've been doing, so don't go out for a 60 min. run the first time. I know you are advanced, but I would start with an easy 15 minute run just to see how your body takes it. You'll know the next day if your knees, lower back, etc. are okay with the different movements. Then slowly add on time.

Don't be afraid to start out with a run/walk program either.

Have fun!

Hi All you wonderful ladies! Thanks SO VERY MUCH for responding to my post. I didn't think Cathe would have the time to answer w/all the work now of the new DVDs so its very much appreciated that you all took the time to respond. I'll buy Runners World mag, look at the website & try a 15 min. walk 15 min. light run for my first day. Thanks again! Kathy:*
One more important point that Andrea mentioned and that bears repeating: even if you're an advanced exerciser, running is TOTALLY different! I'm a pretty experienced runner, but I took a break this winter (just can't get motivated to run in the dark/cold!). I went out last week for the first time in about 4 months. I felt great--I had lost absolutely no cardiovascular endurance, thanks to Cathe!, so I foolishly ran 4.5 miles (took about 42 minutes). Felt great the whole time, felt like I could have gone longer but figured I'd better stop. Well, my quads were KILLING me for the rest of the week! So even if you feel great, and you probably will if you're used to Cathe, just remember that your legs aren't used to it and will need time to adjust!

Enjoy! It really is a great exercise!

Yeah! Running is my favorite way to be by myself and work my body hard! (besides Cathe videos!) One of THE most important things to remember is that no matter how great you feel running the first few days (it is always easy to start) DO NOT overdo it! Weekly, raise your mileage no more that 10%!! So, if you start with a one-mile run - the next week your long run should be no more that 1.1 miles...VERY IMPORTANT! It took me about ten years and many injuries to realize that advice is true. Keep a journal to track your progress.

Also, remember to stretch out after every run. I view it as a treat to myself, not as a waste of time. Check out runnersworld.com, howtostretch.com, and coolrunning.com for some great stretching advice.

So, I am excited for you to begin. One more thing...get the right pair of shoes for your feet. Not all shoes are best for everyone. Go to a running specialty store where the people know what they are talking about.

OK -Have fun running!
Run walk programs are really amazing at helping you gradually break your body in. I forced myself to follow it completely and it helped me go from 2 minutes to 30 minutes of steady running. One point they stressed was that your cardiovascular endurance may be able to take a longer steady run but your tendons,ligaments and muscles aren't used to it. GO SLOW. Be PATIENT.
Get the right pair of shoes, treat yourself to technical socks, stretch a LOT. I used to get so tired I'd fall flat on my face asleep right after a run. YOGA became a necessity too. Like DRI-FIT. NIKE rules at DRI-FIT gear.
The treadmill rules too because on my first outdoor run last Wednesday with the Running Room group, I found that it had actually taught me how to run evenly and smoothly. I wasn't a fast runner but I was a well paced one. It wasn't such an ugly sight at all!
Have fun on your new adventure.
Hello Everyone! I can't thank all you wonderful ladies enough for helping me on my "running" journey! I did actually a few years ago try to jog on an athletic field but alas HATED it! I later found out that I was running incorrectly. Your not supposed to hear your feet & I definitely heard mine going "plop plop". Its very hard work IMO but one which I want to master. I'll take everyone's advice start off SLOW do a walk/run for the 1st 2 weeks; get acclimated to that & then start off on a SLOW jog for 20-30 min. & add on time SLOWLY. I do yoga every Sat. Will this be enough? I will stretch out thoroughly before & after my walk/jog sessions. Thanks again! Kathy

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