plyo jack modification


Hi Cathe!!

I have ordered and received the Cross Training series. LOOOOVE IT!!!! The only problem I have is I'm on a second floor so plyo jacks and jumps are out...but I can do power 15's and 7's. My question is should I insert 7's and 15's instead of the plyo or do you have a better suggestion? Thanks for your time!!!
Hi Niki! Glad you are enjoying the series. Yes, you can insert 7's and 15's but since these are sprinkled throughout the series, you may want to put in other intensity moves that get your heart rate up in the same manner. As an option move, try jumping onto your step so that the impact is on the floor instead of the floor. So you jump up with both feet onto your step on count one, stay on top for count two, and step down on count three and four. These are the same amount of counts that are in a plyo jack. Have fun!
I live on the 2nd floor also. I was worried at first about jumping, but I added an area rug on top of the living room rug and then I put the thickest pad I could buy under the area rug. I don't know if this would work for you, but I haven't had any complaints. I've also seen these thick exercise pads that you can put down on the floor, but I've never tried them.

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