Please say a prayer for my friend


So sorry to hear of your good friend Karla's prognosis. This is the time of miracles and I will keep you, Karla, and her family in my prayers. It is so nice for Karla to have a good friend like you.

Take Care,


I am so sorry for your friends situation. I meditate several hours a day for my own health reasons, I will include her in my meditations from now on sending her as much loving, healthy energy as possible. Also, you can have her (or others if she's not up to it) visualize all her organs as healthy. It sounds weird, but works the same as prayers, only more specific. Miracles happen every day, don't give up hope.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I will be praying for her. I know what you mean about being in the room with someone and laughing. My sister in law was always cracking jokes and smiling. I She had cancer as well and put up a long hard fight. It started with breast cancer and spread.

Diane Sue
Winter, get and read Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil. Pancreatic cancer is supposd to be a death senctence but there are a few who survive and I think we all have a shot at survival of even the really deadly cancers if we believe we can survive. When a doctor gives a grim prognosis and assumes he knows what he says is true, he does a grave disservice to would be survivors. I'll pray and pray hard but read the book and pass on a copy to your friend. Odds may not favor her, but who's to say she isn't one of the ones who can survive? I wish you great strength in the coming days. Many blessing to both of you and hope, great hope!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
I believe in miracles and I believe in prayers. I am praying now for Karla, her daughters, husband and all who love and care for her. dmd

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