Please rank Rhythmic Step choreography difficulty level


I just got the Rhythmic Step DVD with my pre-christmas Cathe-Ordering-Insanity purchase. RS the only one on the DVD that I haven't tried yet. I know that it has the most complicated choreography of the Cathe workouts, but my question is how much more complicated--compared to say, Step Blast? Today was my 3rd time through SB, and I just "got it" enough this time through to get a decent workout. I didn't want to try RS until I got my other new workouts learned--my brain can only handle so much.

I was just wondering how much practice I was going to have to do with RS before I could get it down enough to count it as a real workout.

RS is just a tad more complex, but it probably won't take you any longer to master than it did with SB. I really struggled on that reverse hop turn on the step in RS. I finally got it. Some moves just take me longer to catch onto. I've been doing a few of those CIA vids lately (which seems to take about 5 times before I get it). Talk about complex. Yikes! Cathe's choreography seems rather easy these days. :eek:
I learned Step Blast first and previewed it couple of times and then needed to do it about three times (stopping the tape at various points and repeating it )before I had it. I learned RS after Step Blast and learned it quicker than SB, one preview and one session where I was stopping the DVD and repeating parts. The second time, I didn't need to stop it and although I would not always remember what came next, Cathe's queing helped propel me. By the third time, I felt comfortable with it. I think there is a learning curve for the first choreography by an instructor. Next time, since you already know alot of the base steps and some combos, its much easier to pick up the next routine and the I love RS, its definitely worth learning the moves. Thethird combo is great, it has alot of drop squats off the side and is good for your heart and legs. Don't give up. If you can learn CIA, you can learn this one.
I found Step Blast way easier to pick up. It only took me a couple of tries with Step Blast, but with Rhythmic Step, I'm still fumbling (although, I have to admit, I don't try it too often because I get frustrated. Perhaps if I work it into a rotation of some sort...).

Take it from a choreo-klutz, if I can learn it than you can too! I just took a section at a time and tacked it onto another workout, so I wouldn't feel as if I wasted valuable exercise time stumbling all over the place and not getting a good aerobic workout in! The hardest section to learn on Rhythmic Step was section 3. Come to think of it, section 3 was also the hardest to learn on Step Blast.

Learning Cathe's choreo has given me the confidence to try Seasun's workouts, which I just ordered yesterday!:7
Sad to say but I after first trying rhythmic step-I became so frustrated I put it back on the shelf collecting dust. Then after reading so many great reviews about it here on the forums, I previewed it a couple of times (like Cathe always suggests anyway). Since then it has become one of my favorites-mainly for the fun factor. Try previewing it a few times and trying the tricky parts-that's what seemed to help me the most.

RS is, I think, Cathe's most intricate step choreography to date. I got SB in about 3 tries -- the third combo was a bit tricky with all those triples around the step. But RS? Until now I make mistakes. And I've had this for almost two years now. I take out RS when I'm not so stressed out mentally. It takes a lot of focus. Most days I take out the IMAXes since the choreography is pretty easy to remember, although too much of them aren't good for my knees.

It's more challenging than SB...physically. My blood sugar always drops by the time I hit the reverse scoops. I find the drop squats and pendulums tough by the time I get to them. It has too many turns!!! She went TURN crazy on this one. But it's a lot of fun. I like SB a lot but RS is awesome. I tried to get a friend to do it but she got really upset with me mid-way and started calling me names.

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