Please pray!

I am praying and so sorry you are all going through this.

Pain medication can cause all sorts of delusional thoughts. She may have temporary trouble doing without the pain meds emotionally, even after she doesn't really need them. This can be a problem when potent pain relievers are used. The doctors and nurses should be able to know when that is case and should stop allowing them when the time comes.

My boss' mother was placed on Ativan while undergoing chemotherapy and it was really messing her up. She was hallucinating. They had to dramatically decrease the dosage. I will pray for her.

Hi All,

Thanks again for all your prayers, thoughts and kind words. They are greatly appreciated.

Mom is doing better. The nurses say she's a real strong lady and doing very well. She is not on morphine anymore, last dose was the night of surgery - but on perkiset (sp?) and Ativan to sleep. As soon as she gets these you can see the trouble she has talking. It will be nice once she's weaned off of these.

Yesterday she ate the most she has in a week, great sign!! But once the pain meds wore off she screamed, "ow and my foot itches." So I went to scratch her foot (the one that is there) and she said, "No - the other one!" I wasn't sure what to do, pretend to scratch it? I heard if you scratch the wound, it'll be better, but can't scratch it right now. So we called the nurse and she said to just calmly tell her it will get better. She will get therapy for the ghost pain. It is amputated about 2 - 3 " below the knee, which is different than I thought previously (yesterday was the first day I saw it).

I was proud of my DF as he normally can not look at injuries, etc and has been really upset seeing his mom go through this. Yesterday, he did look and didn't let himself get ill or upset. I told him that he has to show her it's okay! She's perfect (which she is ).

Once she was pretty sleepy and almost ready to sleep for the night we left and she said, "Who said I didn't have any daughters!!!" as she has 5 sons. I'm the only DIL (in law or future one!). So incredibly sweet.

Your prayers and thoughts are helping all of us. Thank you again!

I am definitely wearing myself down and looking forward to the weekend - I'm doing the Aug 05 Bootcamp Rotation, so I'm getting up at about 4 in the morning to get the workout in, then working and seeing her at night. Working out and the forums help keep me somewhat in a normal life for a short time, so again, I appreciate all the fun things to read on here and knowledge!

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