please help


I bought the Imax step and find it very hard to follow the foot work, i was getting very frustrated. Does it get easier? However, I love love love the kick box stuff, she kicks my butt everytime. But I need motivation to continue with the IMAX. Thanks
When I get a new workout, I will sometimes do it on the step with no risers a couple of times through. It helps me learn it. It does get easier to learn the routines as you go too, you learn the lingo, and you start to pick up on everything a bit faster. That doesn't mean I don't find myself turned around in the wrong direction occasionally.
>I bought the Imax step workout...

Interval Max? IMAX2? IMAX3?

IMaX3 has the most complicated (more 'pivoty' ) choreography, and is not as well cued as the others.

Definitely view the workout at least once before you try it again. Imagine yourself following along with it, and when you get to something that is more complex, try to make your own cuing for it, and pay attention to what foot goes where on each of the 8 counts (all moves are broken down in to 8 counts). Practice those specific moves before doing the workout on its own.
It definitely gets easier. It will take a few times to get the moves down, but when you finally do - you will be so glad you stuck with it.
I use the slow and/or the step button on my dvd remote to watch (and practice) moves that are hard for me to get right off. I still can't do the reverse mambo in Low Max! It'll just take me a bit and at some point the light will dawn. :) Pivot turns took me awhile, believe it or not.:+
Hi lisa,

I have Imax 3 and only tried once because I was so frustrated. I will keep plugging away though. Thanks everyone for your responses.
Try doing the step only (no blasts) premix first and conquering the choreography on that. That's what I did and it really helped. If you feel you need a little bit more of a workout after the premix you can always use the Mix 'n Match feature and tack on some of the blasts until you are ready to do the workout as is.

Hope this helps!

Cool pics Sue. If I ever met cathe in person, I'd probably fall over from exhaustion. Just from her presence. She's incredible. I will try your recommendations and see how it goes. I pulled a muscle or something in my back and have not been able to work out for fear of really injuring myself, but should up and at em next week if not tomorrow. I used to a big Gin Miller fan, but since I discovered Cathe, anybody doesn't hold a candle. Her workouts are serious.

Ya know, Sue, I love the blasts parts, it's the foot work that trips me up, but I will heed everyones advice and I will conquer (sp?) }(

Vanessa- You have received lots of good advice so far. I just wanted to add my 2 cents.

Something I started with Low Max was practicing it at 1/2 speed. You pause your DVD player then push the FF button until you are at 1/4 or 1/2 speed and you can review the sequence literally step by step that way. If you keep pushing the FF button, you will get to 3/4 speed and eventually full speed and can run through the sequence that way to familiarize your feet to it!

P.S. That's how I learned the Reverse Mambo in 1 session!

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