PLEASE HELP!! Timesaver DVD vs. KPC/L&G


New Member
Hello everyone,
I just had a question regarding the Timesaver DVD. I was considering ordering it, but I don't have a programmable DVD player. Does this mean I will only be able to access the premixes for the five days or can I add and mix and match still? I guess I'm also wondering if say I want a longer cardio session, can I add to it and create my own workout, or does it always have to fall in the 40-45min. range? One more question, which do you think would be a better pick? The Timesaver or KPC/L&G? I've heard that there are premixes on this as well...but again I'm not sure how much I can do w/ it since my DVD isn't programmable. Thank you so much for any help you can offer.
I have a programmable player, but NEVER use that feature.

I would go for the Timesaver DVD, because you can mix and match several parts of each workout to make whatever you want. There is quite a bit of Legs and Glutes and KPC on Timesaver.

With the blender feature, you can only chose up to 5 or 6 "segments" (not chapter points, but pre-programmed parts of the workout) from EACH DAY'S workout. In other words, you can't take the warmup from day one and blend it with the cardio from day two and the weight work from day three. BUT, you can use the mix and match feature to do this. Unfortunately, you will have to go back to the mix and match menus in between each chapter point you choose, and select the next thing you want to do, so the workout may not flow as well as you'd like it to.

Because there are so many parts from the whole Body Blast series on this one DVD, plus a little bit of weight work that isn't on any other DVD, I would recommend this one over L&G/KPC. More bang for your buck.
I would go for Timesaver, if you are only getting one DVD. No, you don't need programmable DVD player to utilize the premixes. You can also program using Workout Blender without a programmable player. However, for Timesaver, you could not mix the Workout Blender from different workout day... but you could still use the Mix-n-Match feature (without using programmable player) and still make your own cardio (longer). I heard you could Mix-n-Match from different sections to do a complete Step Blast (without cool down and stretch). You also have the added benefit of upper body work with Timesaver, but there is very little of KPC.

FYI, I LOVE the weight work in Timesaver (probably the only reason I'm keeping it since I have the other 3 BB DVDs). I combine all the upper body work in 1 day (about 60 min) and do lower body (workout 5) the next day.
I just wanted to say thankyou for your help. I had already gone ahead and ordered the Timesaver and all day long I kept wondering if I had made the right choice. Now I feel better that there is a mix and match section I can access. Thanks again!!:)

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