Active Member
I don't know what is wrong with me...i have SERIOUS food issues!! I am 5 foot 3 inches and weigh about 108 lbs...i am a good size and i am not interested in loosing a lot of weight but i can NOT stop eating. I have suffered with severes bulimia for about 10 months...not too long but long enough to just about ruin my life. I have a therapist and nothing has helped...this Saturday I made a decision to stop. I was so sick of this. I spend my life (and almost all my money) eating, eating, throwing up, then back out on the road again to hit up some more fast food places. I mean i can easily pass the WHOLE day eating and purging and over and over again. It is sickening if any of you saw how much i eat...i mean really NAUSAUTING! Since Saturday I have not purged ONCE and I am so happy...I usually do it 5 times a day so this is big for me! I love to eat though i can't stop!!!I am obssessed with food like nothing else and i don't know what to do...i excercise regulary and enjoy it. I know if I can get my eating down and live a healthy BALANCED life I would be truly happy...I just dont know how to achieve this balance. I get so depressed I just don't even want to go on...any suggestions...Thanx to all of you in advance! I appreciate being able to get this out and you reading this lengthy email