Please help me pick my next DVD


New Member
I have Butt and Guts, Cardio Fusion, and Imax 3. I love them all, but would like to purchase more workouts like the above for mental variation. I cannot lift heavy weights above my head due to neck issues. Considering the 3 I mentioned above, what other DVD's would be similar and fit well into my collection? Thanks, Bons
Any of the circuit-style workouts would be good in that they involve lifting weights but nothing crazy. I love Low Impact Circuit & High Step Challenge, both of which combine step + weights.

There is also Step Blast + Step Pump & Jump; SPJ is cardio with step, a hi/lo segment and then a weight segment. This DVD is great because it's ultimately 2 workouts on 1 disc so you can use the premixes to your advantage which would be like having a number of different workouts to mix things up so you don't get bored.

For cardio, there're also the Rhythmic Step/IMAX/Max Intensity Cardio DVD which are 3 cardio w/o's on 1 disc.

And of course you can't forget IMAX 2 :D

There really are so many videos to choose from but these are some of my favorites.
I just did step blast today and it is so much fun. If you get fittv, they show a shortened version of it on there. Look for cardio blast and the info will tell you what show it is. There is also a shortened version of IMAX 2 on there too.

Of course I am a big fan of the kick boxing dvds. Kick punch and crunch and Kick max. If you get KP&C then you will get legs and glutes too and it is a great one to sub for butts and guts. I think the group disc are great because you get so many premixes and options. I just saw that new clips were up.

Good luck...Rachel
I know you have Cardio Fusion, but you might want to consider Drill Max & Body Max 2 (portions of which I believe are used for Cardio Fusion). For me, they're tough, high intensity workouts and have a lot of great premixes to add to the variety. They both involve weights and some shoulder work with lifting above the shoulders, but I think you could modify if needed. The cardio is great. Just something to consider. Good Luck!!

you know, i just re-read you post and saw "neck" issues (for some reason, i was thinking shoulder issues - sorry). because both bm2 and drill max involve weights, you might want to watch the sample videos online and see what you think. i wouldn't want to recommend anything that would stress your neck (ouch!), so maybe just ignore my posts :)

Can you do kickboxing? Or is that too hard on your neck? If you can do kick boxing you might like Kick, Punch, & Crunch and Legs & glutes.

This will give you a great cardio workout, as well as another great lower body workout.

You also might really like LowMax - it also is a step workout with blasts - like Imax 3. Don't let the Low part of the title fool you, it is a great workout.

Rythmic Step is another great workout - and it comes with Imax and Max. Intensity cardio - 3 workouts on one dvd....pretty sweet. I LOVE rythmic Step - no blasts, it has several longer step routines and then at the end she puts them all together. Really fun to do when you don't want to do any blasts. The other two workouts are high intensity/high impact workouts....really get the HR up! It is an older workout, but still up to Cathe standards of excellence.

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