Please help me make a rotation


Hello! I'm new to Cathe and don't know how to put my videos together to make a rotation. The videos that I have currently are:
* Cardio and Weights
* Imax 2
* Imax 3
* Power Hour
* Kick Punch Crunch
* Legs/Glutes
* Low Max

My goal is to lose some weight, although I don't have much to lose. What other videos should I consider adding? Thanks so much!
Hi daisyduke,

We need some more information! How much time do you have to workout each session, how many times a week do you want to workout, are you already at an advanced fitness level, or just starting out? Do you do any running (good for cross training)? Are you wanting to focus more on cardio or weight training? Or both?

You've got some excellent workouts already. You appear to have more cardio than weight workouts, so I would recommend you add some of those. Depending on your goal, Cathe has many different weight workouts. The BootCamp/Muscle Endurance workout would be a great addition to what you already have. The Pyramid workouts would also fit in very nicely. Muscle Max is another good choice.

I'll save more opinions until I know more about what you're looking for.

Hello and thank you for you willingness to help. I am an advanced exerciser. I work out 6 days a week, usually for an hour or so in the morning and then sometimes a little more at night. I like to run. When I do, I run about 5 or 6 miles. I don't really like to lift heavy weights, I prefer more cardio and weight workouts. I feel like I 'bulk' if I lift too heavy. I just ordered bootcamp, muscle endurance, step jump pump, and the cross train express workouts. I'm 5'3" and I weigh about 115. I'd like to lose about 10 pounds. Thanks again!
Hi again,

Here's a suggestion:

Week One:

Day 1 IMAX3
Day 2 Cardio & Weights
Day 3 Run
Day 4 Power Hour
Day 5 Kick, Punch & Crunch
Day 6 Legs & Glutes
Day 7 Rest

Week Two:

Day 1 IMAX2
Day 2 Step, Jump & Pump
Day 3 run
Day 4 Muscle Endurance
Day 5 Step Blast
Day 6 CTX Kickbox (skip weight work, abs & stretch); then immediately do CTX Power Circuit (skip warm up and upper body weight work). If you still have time, go back to Kickbox and do the abs, planks, and stretch.
Day 7 Rest

Week Three:

Day 1 LowMax
Day 2 BootCamp
Day 3 run
Day 4 CTX Upper Body Split (do a five minute light warm up of your own)
Day 5 CTX All-Step (cardio only - no weight or ab work). Skip the cool-down, then immediately do only the cardio portion of CTX 10-10-10, skipping the warm up and the weight work.
Day 6 CTX Step and Intervals (skip the weight work, abs, and stretch). Immediately do Leaner Legs: warm up, and standing leg work. Do the LL abs, if you have time. LL stretch. Ahhhhhh.
Day 7 Rest.

There are so many options with the workouts you have (especially when you start to explore the premixes), but this is a start. If you want to add on some extra intensity, perhaps as a pm workout, you could do any one of Cathe's "Bonus Burns" a couple of times a week. For these, go to the link I've pasted below and check out all of the posts from Aquajock:


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