Please help me! I am ready to call it quits!!!!!!!!!


Hi everyone, I am so depressed and stressed, frustrated, discouraged and bummed out. I decided to follow the six week body makeover plan. I don't know if any of you have heard about it, but it customizes an eating plan special to your body type. It calls for eating six small meals a day. Well, I did the entire six weeks and I have lost some weight but I can't eat like this. I'm going insane. My carbs are severely restricted and I am eating chicken chicken chicken and too much chicken. I feel like I am starving. Why can't I just eat three healthy well proportioned meals a day. Everyone says "No you need to eat six" It is just not working for me. Does anyone else eat three meals? Please help me because I am going insane!!!!!!!!! Cookie x( x( x( :-( x( ;( x( x(
Hi Cookie --

I can't speak to the body makeover plan, but I can tell you that it's perfectly ok to eat three meals a day and plenty of carbs. What gives me the authority to say that? That's the way I eat and I am very thin. That's also the way the Europeans eat and on the whole, Europe is MUCH thinner than the US.

My advise is eat the way that is natural for you and keep exercising. Your body knows what's right for it.

Best of Luck!

Well to me any food plan I look at I ask myself ...'Can I eat this way the rest of my life?' if not then I just can't waste energy on it . I spent 6 months following the Body for Life plan and finally gave up because I felt as you do now.

Try something else or modify that plan.

I have no idea what that makeover plan entails but if your feeling restricted I seriously think you need to move on and find something that works for you not against.

I eat 3 meals some days four or even 6 on other days . I just watch my portions and listen to my body but then again I'm following the Weight Watchers Flex points so I stay in my points range eat what I please and still seeing great results.

Hopefully you have found your answer reading the many replies you'll get to your post . I wish you luck and remember 'enjoy yourself' that's what it all comes down to.
Juli, thanks so much for your post. It really has helped me so much. You are right about Europeans. My grandmother is Greek, eats three healthy meals and is healthy and beautiful at 83! It is that so many plans drill so much confusing contradicting information in your head! My body does better with three meals. Thank you!!!!!!!
Hi Cookie, eating frequent smaller meals may help you lose weight in the long run because it stabilizes your blood sugar, helps promote better use of insulin in your bloodstream, which in turn leads to more efficient use of carbs by your body (in other words, they're more likely to be used as what they are - fuel - instead of stored as fat), and it will help you feel full so you don't get the urge to binge. However ... if this plan is restricting your carbs so severely and you're already tired of it after six weeks, how are you going to live with it? You've answered your own question. You can't. I don't personally believe eating restricted carbs over a long period of time is a healthy, balanced way to eat. Your body uses carbs as it's first source of fuel. After that, it will burn fat and protein. It will burn muscle tissue if it has to, and that is NOT what you want. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be because the muscle burns calories just to stay alive. The best plans promote balanced, healthy diets, using foods from carbs, protein, and fat. If eating three times a day works for you and you can still lose weight, then by all means eat that way! Don't throw in the towel or keep eating chicken until you can't stand the sight of it just for the sake of one plan. There are many to choose from. Choose something you can live with for the rest of your life. Weight loss and fitness aren't goals you strive for then go back to old, destructive habits once you reach your goals. They're LIFESTYLE changes. Any food program you choose also has to be a lifestyle change, which means you need to be able to eat that way for the rest of your life, or you'll be on the "diet roller coaster", which we all know by now doesn't work, and sets us up for failure, and has proven to contribute to health problems in the long run. Get off this plan and find something you can live with. Good luck!!

Cookiebaby -- as others have said, and I agree whole heartedly, eat 3 meals. You mentioned your grandmother is Greek, beautiful and healthy; do what she does! Don't beat yourself up. I looked at the 6 week body makeover and knew I could not eat like that. I also think it is just too confusing. There is so much fuss about what to eat for your body type; don't do these exercises for this body type, etc. Is it any wonder we are all so confused. I don't follow any one thing. I've taken ideas from Walter Willett's book, from Pamela Peeke's book and a few others and have decided that 3 meals a day and a snack is what works best for me. Listen to your body and watch your grandmother.

Take care,
Hi Cookie,

In the Fall of 2001 I tried Michael Thurmond's 6-week total body makeover. I followed the program perfectly from around Halloween to Christmas. I lost a whopping 1 and 1/2lbs and I have never been so miserable and consumed with food and eating in my life. Let me say that at this time I was really really heavy and still didn't lose weight eventhough I drasically cut my calories and increased my activity. I felt like this diet really pushed my body into starvation mode so it was holding on to every calorie for dear life. I spent most of my day thinking about when and what I could eat next. It took up so much time!

In all fairness to Michael Thurmond, I do not lose weight easily and there is a specific biochemical problem that I have that makes it harder for me to lose weight. My mother did the diet with me and she did have more success; she lost about 6-8lbs.

In the Spring of 2002 I started following Atkins and I have been really successful with this diet. I've lost 95lbs and am still going down. I know that you mentioned that you feel carb deprived so I am not here suggesting that you follow Atkins. I have PCOS and it really helps me to go low carb. It sounds like you are more like my mother in that if you watch what you eat, you will lose weight. As Shywolf and Juli have said, eat someway that feels natural and healthy for you.

I don't know who could stick with Michael Thurmond's plan for long. He makes it seem so easy and appetizing, but it's not. I am not even sure it is healthy, because as I said I think I was starving. It certainly isn't practical or versatile. I was laughing out loud when I read your post with "chicken, chicken, chicken...". When I followed this program I ate turkey as my protein and to this day I refer to it as the "turkey diet." You have to eat so often and in such small portions that you have to stick with one or two things or you'll be in the kitchen all day.

I totally remember feeling "depressed and stressed, frustrated, discouraged and bummed out" when I was on that diet. I've done lots of diets but that one made me feel the worst because it required so much discipline and it still didn't work for me. It's not just you. I don't want you to feel discouraged because you will find a diet that fits you. I weighed around 270lbs when I did the "turkey diet" and didn't lose much, so you can imagine how hopeless I felt. I am almost crying thinking about it. I thought if the "turkey diet" didn't work, nothing ever would. For me it was Atkins, but for you it might be Weight Watchers or something you devise for yourself.

I just wanted to tell you that it's OK to quit something that doesn't feel right for you and to let you know that you will be successful!

Frankie :)
RE: Please help me! I am ready to call it quits!!!!!!!!...

I agree-everyone's body is different and responds very differently to food. You have to experiment with different programs and see what works best for you! There are a lot of good diets out there-personally I like the South Beach style, but others can only lose on Atkins becuase they are so carb sensitive. Then others can eat plenty of carbs but need to restrict the fats to lose becuase their metabolism is different.
I could not eat 6 meals a day-I need a big breakfast, then a big lunch, then a big but early dinner. I stop eating after 5pm. If I eat a small meal, I never feel satisfied and am kept in a perpetually starving feeling mode the entire day like you were! My blood sugar seems to stay more stable with the big meal becuase I put in plenty of protein and fat which greatly slows down the carb absorption and insulin effect. I also have a glass of 1%milk with every meal -I think that really stabilizes my blood sugar too. (By "big" meal I guess I mean about 600-750 cals.)
Hi cookie. Eating six meals a day is tough for me too. I find myself thinking about food too much. It's easier for me to eat four meals a day.
Thank you everyone for your replies! YOu all have helped me 100% and you know what I am going through. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Hey you can do it!

It's finding out what works best for you. For YEARs I've been eating little or no lunch (NOT GOOD) and a bigger dinner. My daughter (teen) yells at me (Mom you aren't healthy) but you know it works for me and since college my weight has been within 5 lbs (I'm 40's) so I think it is really what works for you.

You can do it.... Often its right after you are ready to give up ... if you just go a little longer that the results really start! Let us know your progress
I am very confused as well as to whats right and what wrong.I guess it is all about finding what works for our own bodies.I know that when I got back into working out, I thought that fat was a big no-no.I ate carbs all the time and very rarely a little meat.With that said I did get to my lowest weight since having my child 71/2 yrs ago.I even ate candy b/c they were low in fat but I think most of it had to do with listening to my body.I ate healthy and I ate 3meals and 1 snack a day.I finally started to go the other way and now I am almost 10lbs heavier.I REALLY think that reading to many magazines helped with my weight gain.We get confused b/c there are so many things to many gadgets and the weightloss world is a growing industry.People make billions of dollars just selling magic pills and books.
I have even noticed in the last little while that EVERYTHING is associated with low carb.I just bought the FitnessRx mag and it had a plan that was strictly low carb.Not to say that there is anything wrong with it,but I wouldn't be able to eat like that for the rest of my life.Not to mention that 3 yrs ago and piece of toast and a apple were my bestfreind that helped me lose 15lbs.I can remember that I also use to count my cals.I never went over 1200cals and I can honestly say that I felt awesome.
I really beleive that life wasn't met to be this complicated.I don't think our lives were suppose to revolve around food and what it was going to do to our bodies.I think our purpose on this earth was suppose to be more enjoyable then this.But we are all gulity, diffently myself.
But sadly enough we are experimenting with what works best for our bodies.Hopefully you can find yours, and I will find mine:7 I do have to say that the best book I have read was BFL.The meal plan was good.Nothing was taken from you(only junk food) and you could even have your coffee.
I will shut up now...I have had to much coffee today!:7 Good luck Cookiebaby...were you the girl that your friends took your cathe videos that time b/c they wanted you to do BFL? Your name really rings a bell...maybe I am wrong...but if I am right what happened after?
RE: Please help me! I am ready to call it quits!!!!!!!!...

With a name like Cookiebaby, no one expects you to limit your carbs!LOL!
You are getting so much great advice here! I agree that you must find the eating plan that nourishes you but eating is one of life's great pleasures and it is to be enjoyed! Carbs are wonderful! When I was long distance running, I ate mostly carbs and craved them too! I have increased my protein intake by adding protein to my meals which as Carol says, diminishes hunger and keeps blood sugar level. I eat alot of vegetarian foods which combine protein and carbs and have the added benefit of fiber, another blood sugar stabilizer. Overall though, I eat at least half of my daily calories from carbs. I try to eat small portions slowly and then I see if I am still hungry. I rarely am. I eat anything I want but I keep portions small.

Last night I made my husband a bacon cheese burger and I ate one too, something I have never done before. (There was a time when I might have said you can have bacon, you can have cheese, you can have burger, but not at the same time.) My burger was tiny and it was yummy but eating something I would have labeled "evil" not too long ago was fine because it didn't put me over on calories and it was eaten on a 100% whole wheat bun with a green salad and low fat tahini dressing, spinach and black beans.

So my advice is eat what you love! Chose the least processed food. Read nutrition facts and ingredient labels. Make your proteins lean and your carbs unrefined. Never stint on fruit and vegetables. And never say no to chocolate cake!

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