Please help! I've hit a rough patch in my regular workout routine...


Active Member
Hi Cathe,
I had been working out regularly up until a few weeks ago when I had to stay at work late every night for a couple weeks and got off track of my workout routine. Can you recommend how to ease back into a regular routine again? I was able to work out 2 or 3 days before I got stuck at work again and the DOMS was pretty serious afterwards! Now my motivation is lacking because the workouts I was kicking butt on before my break (i.e. Boot Camp, IMAX 2, IMAX Xtreme) now seem so hard for me to get through after being off so long that I get frustrated and give up. I would appreciate any advice you can give me to get back on track!
Thank you :)
Great post Alexa! I'm in a similiar situation and am very interested in Cathe's reply.

Thanks for posting.
Not Cathe - when this happens to me, I do Body Fusion a couple times before jumping back into intense workouts. It's a great, easy to follow, full body workout (except for core) that eases my body back into a regular routine.

Good luck!

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