Please help? Baby shower ideas?



Since you all are so knowledgeable about everything else... can you offer some words of wisdom?

A good friend of mine is having twin boys in February and I volunteered to help plan the baby shower, which is happening in mid-January. However, I've since figured out that I'm not helping plan it... I AM planning it!

I don't want to be one of those people that puts on the old tired baby shower with the old tired themes, so I was wondering if you guys had any cute ideas for games/themes/party favors?

Any help would be much appreciated! I don't want to let my friend down by putting on a crappy baby shower!

OK - here's my favorite game if it isn't too much for your group:

Buy some newborn diapers - a large box to get the mom started - or since it is twins, maybe some premie ones since they will be a bit smaller.

Get a bag of assorted miniature candy bars - like 3 muskateers, butterfinger, snickers, almond joy, etc.

Open up a diaper, # it on the outside (1, 2 3, etc) mash a softened candy bar inside. At the shower you pass it around and everyone #'s their paper with the corresponding #'s for each of the diapers.

They open the diaper, smell the candy bar and guess what kind it is.

Whatcha think? TMI or perceived to be? :p
It's been a few years since I had a baby/baby shower, but here's what I remember being awesome about mine:
--the most HILARIOUS game was to put various candy bars into a baby diaper, pop it into the microwave for a few seconds, then have guess which candy bar is in which diaper. It is gross and SO fun all at the same time!
--if the budget permits, buy several items (a paci, a pack of diapers, a bottle of baby bath, etc.) and have these items set out around the party area, and have guests guess the prices of the items. Guests will be amazed at the outrageous cost of baby things, and the winner gets some sort of prize (a candle or something). Then the new mom gets to take home and keep all the baby gear.
--make sure you have each guest address and envelope to themselves so that the new (or soon-to-be) mom can send thank you notes with minimal work.

If I think of any more, i'll PM you. HTH.
ooh! i love shower games!

my fave for baby showres:

get several different kinds of jarred baby food
blindfold the mama-to-be, don't let her see the food labels
she has to guess which flavor you are feeding her!

hint: the gerber mac & cheese is bound to make her gag! that stuff is awful!!!:eek::D

have fun!!!
I never had a baby shower, so I had no idea this kind of stuff goes on. That diaper game is wonderfully disgusting. :D And the baby food...ack!
I did the candy bar/diaper game -- it was hilarous!!!! :D and gross :eek:

Get some old used baby bottles and do bottle bowling!

Blind fold the mommy-to-be and have her guess some baby items in a box/bag -- get creative and it can be fun! Then she gets to keep what is in the box/bag! Game and gift in one ;)

Did someone already do the "remember" game?! Lots of baby stuff sent around the room and then name as many as you can remember?! Fun and shocking how many you forget :eek: OR put the items in a soft/cloth bag and the guests have to feel the items and guess/remember what they are. Whoever gets the most wins!

If all else fails at google "baby shower games" :p

Good luck and have fun!!! Are you doing the food too?!?!?! Cheesecake and many toppings to choose from goes a long way!!!

Have fun!
I went to a shower that had used a clothes line to decorate with. They had hung babies clothes (little onsies and t- shirts & such) all around on it. It was a cute idea and the mother-to-be got a nice start to baby garments.

LOL:D I've done the diaper/candy bar one and it is very funny.

Give each person a clothes pin when they arrive and have them attach it to their shirt where everyone can see it. Choose a word (or words) like baby, birth, labor, boy, girl etc. that everyone must avoid saying. As soon as someone slips up, you jump up and steal their clothes pin. Person with the most pins at the end wins a prize.

Cut out pictures of baby items (strained peas, nuk, bottle, onesie, breast pump, rattle, formula etc..) and tape one on each person's back. Then the guests walk around asking each other a single question (ie. "is it something you wear?") that can only be answered yes or no and the first person to guess what is taped to their back wins a prize. This is a good ice breaker if there are a lot of people who don't know eachother.

Put a bunch of small safety pins in a bowl of uncooked rice and have the guests try to pull out only the pins while blindfolded. This is actually very hard to do especially if you use the really small safety pins.

Ask each guest to bring a baby picture of themselves and have the mom-to-be guess who each one is. OR tape the pictures on a poster board and have everyone write down who they think each picture is. The one with the most correct wins a prize.

Blow up balloons and slip a folded piece of paper in each one before you tie it. All slips of paper will be blank except for one which will have the word "baby" written on it. Have each guest choose a balloon and request that they place it under their shirts for the duration of the shower. At the end, each guest must sit on their balloon to pop it and whoever has the paper with the word baby wins a prize.

That is all I can think of right now. Good luck with your shower.

It's been a few years since I had a baby/baby shower, but here's what I remember being awesome about mine:
--the most HILARIOUS game was to put various candy bars into a baby diaper, pop it into the microwave for a few seconds, then have guess which candy bar is in which diaper. It is gross and SO fun all at the same time!

Now that sounds like a sh!tty time :D
I don't have any new ideas to add, but here's one idea for inexpensive prizes: try Michael's. I found some really cute candles, notepads, pens, etc. that were around $1-2 each for a shower I threw last year. I wrapped a few of them up in little goody bags for each prize winner, and they seemed to go over well.
This isn't really a game, but it was the most memorable thing for me at my baby shower. My SIL gave everyone a sheet of paper with the following information (or something to this effect; it was 11 years ago so I can't remember the specifics and I'm too lazy to go look through my son's baby book right now, LOL):

Baby Birthday Guess:
Baby Name Suggestions:
Baby Weight Guess:
Best advice for the new Mom:

They wrote down their answers then taped the paper closed and my SIL collected them for me. It was the neatest thing to read through them by myself as I was waiting in my final weeks of my pregnancy. I think some people wrote things they may not have written had they thought it was going to be shared with the group at the shower. I especially enjoyed reading the name ideas, as we still had not chosen a name at that time. And some of the advice was both hilarious and touching. Now that three of my aunts have since passed away, it means a lot to me to have their thoughts in writing as keepsakes.

Anyway, it's just an idea. I've also done the poopy diapers game at mine and at several other showers, and it is always a hit. :)
my best friend (who is now 8 days overdue!!) had hers in October. We did a "who knows the mom to be best....for a prize. It's kinda more for a bridal shower, but we had a blast because there were trivia questions more geared toward mom and baby (i.e. names, exact due date, etc.), and it was fun. Whoever got the most answers correct got a prize.

I love the ideas about the price guessing of items, and mom gets to keep them when the game is over.

You know the memory/recall game? Everyone usually hates it. You put a bunch of baby-related items on a tray, give everyone paper and pen and then have someone slowly walk around the guests, giving them about 8-10 seconds to look over all items. Then when everyone has seen the tray you direct everyone to write down as many items as they can recall from the try -- right?

Here is what we did -- we had my 2 nieces carry that tray around. We simply told everyone that this was a game to test their observations and recall. When they had all seen everything, we asked them questions ABOUT THE LITTLE GIRLS carrying the tray. What were the girls wearing, which girl had her hair up in a pony, which girl had her ears pierced, what color were the girls' eyes? Etc -- it was hysterical. Good luck.
Non-traditional shower

My best friend begged me not to host the traditional shower for her, so this is what I did:

I had a champagne and dessert shower (obviously the mom-to-be could not drink, but why punish the rest of us ;) ); I served sparkling cider to those who chose not to drink. As a gift, I bought champagne glasses and decorated them with "it's a boy" ribbons.

I served strawberry-roses fondue, miniature eclairs and cannolis, biscotti, etc., sort of cocktail party desserts.

We did not play any games, but I set up tables around my house for various activities,

* - I bought cloth diapers and permanent markers and had the guests design and sign original artwork burp-clothes

* - I bought a picture frame, matte and calligraphy pens (in the color of the baby's room) and had the guests write the baby's name around the matte - it looks fantastic hanging in his room.

* - I bought an assortment of beautiful note cards and had the guests write the mom-to-be a personal note with the caveat being that the mom would not open the notes until 2 weeks after the baby was born. Some women wrote words of encouragement, others let her know that she will eventually get a full nights sleep, others wrote hints for surviving, some told of their own joys and fears. My friend said that this was the best gift -- she waited 2 weeks and then read one every night during the very early a.m. feedings.

I know this type of shower might not appeal to the traditionalists, but it was tons of fun.

Debbie Russo
Another game everyone one can play is buy baby food and take the labels off. Everyone has to guess what in the jar. The person who gets the most right wins a small prize. It's fun and everyone gets to participate. Also been to a baby shower where you decorated little white t-shirts. The Mom get personalized gifts.

I just went to one a few weeks ago. They had some yarn/sissors and when you came in they'd have you guess how big around the momma was and clip the yarn. Then later they'd measure her with one string and compare everyone elses.. whoever was closest won a prize. (most made her way too big which I would be a bit embarrassed if I was the mom ha)
Also they put baby items in brown paper bags and passed around. You could only feel to see what you thought it was. It was way too easy though. I only missed one out of like 15 items. I think maybe if you could only feel from outside the bag it'd be harder. Inside was WAY easy. The item I didn't know was cause they didn't have them I don't think when mine were little (paci that gives medicine?) I guess paci but didn't know what the attachement was below it.
Then they had a bowl of rice with those TINY safety pins in them. You had like 30 seconds to get as many pins out as you can with your eyes closed. This was HARD cause they all feel the same with your eyes closed. There is a trick to it but most of us didn't do so good! haha.
They also gave everyone ONE clothes pin with the word Baby on it. If you said the word baby someone could take it from you. whoever got the most pins won a prize. we all just switched to infant but I came close many times to saying baby.
I have been to one where they did the diaper/candy bar game. That was fun. Its so silly cause even though you KNOW its only chocolate a few made me gag. lol!

goodluck! :)
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Hi, I was at one baby shower a couple of years ago and they had a "baby bottle drinking contest", using apple juice. I gotta tell ya, that is not as easy as it looks, but it was hilarious and fun, another pregnant gal won. Also, I gave my sons fiance a shower earlier this year and a good idea I got for the kids there was I bought plain white onesies of various sizes and then got fabric paint and had the kids each decorate one for the baby, it turned out really nice, my grandson got some really cute unique onesies! Hope this helps!!:D
I, for one, hate shower parties...but, that's just me...that being said, the one with the yarn trying to estimate momma's "girth" was pretty funny. I also like the decorating the onesie idea, the clothes on the clothes line as decorations (and for mom to take home), and the notes from family and friends. Those are more tangible things I'd remember vs. microwaved snickers in a napkin.

Just my .02 but obviously the games must still be "in"!

I gave my daugher a baby shower 6 months ago. I got my games from the internet. I just did a google search for baby shower games.

One game: you need a story(found on the internet) and a gift: have guests sit in a circle and you pass the gift around the circle while reading the story. In the story every time you say left, the gift is passed to the left, and everytime you say right the gift is passed to the right. Everyone loved this game and to my surprise no one had ever played it. The person with the gift at the end of the story wins.

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