please dont laugh when u read


the name of the exe. that cathe does like air jaks and all those weird names are those her inventions from a very fruitful mind or are those universal names?
im asking that because i cannot conect between the names and the exe. itself when i read a roation before i want to do it?
is there a dictionary for those funny words:eek:

please dont laugh}(

Hi, Sharona! I'm not laughing! I think Cathe names her moves herself; other instructors might call the same move something different. I've even seen Cathe give the same move two or more names in separate workouts.

It gets confusing, I know! But I don't think there's a dictionary for the wonderfully evil moves Cathe does!

thank u very much. so im thinking maybe on the next workout i will a pen and paper and each time i will encounter with a new name i will write it down, in time i will know them all.
i know english but i dont know it THAT much



u r a good person always answer my questions thank u
Hello, again, Sharona, and thanks for your kind words!

I don't think the moves we see in Cathe's workouts can be found in English. I think the names are Cathish! }(

Sharona: I looked up in Webster (a dictionary).

Jack is short for "jumping jack." The definition of "jumping jack is: a conditioning exercise performed from a standing position by jumping to a position with legs spread and arms raised and then to the original position.

Therefore an "air jack" is a jumping jack where you go into the air.

Hope that helps!
I think some of them are standard (step) aerobics terms as well - I certainly knew things like turnstep/horseshoe, repeater, leg extension, hamstring curl and grapevine before I had done any Cathe. And obviously some like mambo and cha-cha are dance terms. But I had never come across others like pony, peg-leg, starburst etc. Just gradually learning the names that Cathe uses has helped me with her choreography as well as learning the actual moves.
thank u it is very helpful. there r some letters they skipped maybe cathe can invent a move to them;)

Amy G~
This is a great place! Now if I'm not sure if I'm doing a move right I can check here! Thanks for sharing.:)

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