Please don't get mad at me!!!!

RE: NY Times: Brooke Shield's response to Tom

I think TC is cute, but never can grow into men. But never dislike him until his talk with Matt Lauer. I think every body can express their own opions, we live in freedom of speech country, any way. But one should not use it as a tool to attack the topic he has no knowledge and no experience at all. Yes, he might know all History of Scientology. But he never had experience of postpartum depression, his children are all adopted. I don’t agree with over used drug, however, I don’t think medicine is all bad. For God Sake, it saves how many lives. I can bet you, when the time comes, TC will not refuse to use VIAGRA!!

RE: NY Times: Brooke Shield's response to Tom

"I can bet you, when the time comes, TC will not
refuse to use VIAGRA!!"

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

RE: NY Times: Brooke Shield's response to Tom

We need to hope that if Katie Holmes bears Tom's child she'll not suffer from PPD. I keep thnking of Andrea Yates and what it might have taken to save her and her children and it makes me angry that Tom Cruise should dare even speak on the subject. He's a joke but this is no laughing matter. It's scary that some people might take him seriously.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: NY Times: Brooke Shield's response to Tom


"I can bet you, when the time comes, TC will not refuse to use VIAGRA!!"

THAT is without a doubt one of the funnier things I've read on this forum!
RE: NY Times: Brooke Shield's response to Tom


At least from all his bad publicity, we can get some good laught...

DId they each talk about how "amazing" the other is?
I am SO SICK of TomKat (as the media is calling them). I am SO SICK of hearing her say how "amazing" he is, of him saying how "amazing" she is.
Seems like they "fell in love' pretty quickly.
Maybe it's real, but it just seems so over the top (and quite well-timed for both of their new movies).
Well hubby and son want to see War of the Worlds this weekend. I would rather see Bewitched myself. LOL! I would love to be able to twitch my nose and have my entire house cleaned in a second then I could get in maybe 4 workouts?
I don't have much to say about Tom. He has too much of an ego. I just agree with what everyone is saying here as he thinks so highly of himself while shoving his horse crap down everyone's throat with the scientology garbage.

I wish actors and singers would just act and sing and otherwise keep their mouths shut. Or maybe Tom Cruise could cure my son from ADHD and Aspergers??? I think not. He should cure himself first and stay out of other people's business.
Amen, Laura!

TomKat? I am gagging again. It would appear Mr. Cruise causes bulimia. Can Scientology fix that, I wonder?

Toasty, you are sick, woman! Twitch your nose to clean you house to get in 4 workouts? Twitch my nose for perfect abs and all the chocolate I can eat and the ability to balance in handstand away from the wall!

You crazy kids are so very good about helping me keep it all in perspective.

Dear Tom,

You must be confusing us with someone who cares....

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
From his recent behavior one might wonder if TC suffers from untreated bipolar disorder and is currently in the throes of the manic phase of the disease.
>From his recent behavior one might wonder if TC suffers from
>untreated bipolar disorder and is currently in the throes of
>the manic phase of the disease.

You know, it does seem a bit like that, doesn't it?
>I wish actors and singers would just act and sing and
>otherwise keep their mouths shut. Or maybe Tom Cruise could
>cure my son from ADHD and Aspergers??? I think not. He
>should cure himself first and stay out of other people's

Yes, I also wonder if TC could tell me the proper treatment for SI dysfunction. Because as much progress as my son has made in therapy, his OT is still experimenting on the right mix of methods, activities, and behavior modification techniques for him. If Tommy the Great is such a believer of exercise and vitamins, my son as an infant has always had exercise, play time, good food and vitamins. Why does he still have this condition? I'd like for the know-it-all to tell me.

But I bet he hasn't even heard of this condition at all. It's not in the psychiatry books and isn't accepted as a legitimate medical condition in the Diagnostic and Satistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Although it's quite common. He's not the only one who's done his research.

I'm veering off topic. Sorry... I just think this whole media frenzy is ridiculous. Michael Jackson's trial is over. The media has to look for new fish to feed on. This is why I never wanted to work in a newsroom.

Well, I don't agree that there is not such thing as a chemical imbalance. I have one! He said that he is not saying that these problems aren't real. At least he acknowledges that! In my experience, I have found lithium to be necessary to maintain my sanity.

I feel offended when someone tells me that I don't need medication or that it is just a matter of discipline or will power, because they don't know anything about me and they are plain judging me. I feel like they say: "You chose to be like that.", something that is so false! However, there are some well intentioned people that DO acknowledge that there is a real, cerebral problem, but they are just against traditional medicine or methods. I know, from an uncle, that naturopaths has their "natural" version of lithium, for example. (By the way, lithium is an element found in nature and is also produced by the human body. Bipolars don't have enough of it in our bodies.)

But I think the decision to take medications is something very personal and others must respect. In my opinion, as in my case, it is better to take traditional meds than not taking anything if you need it while you educate yourself and learn other methods to keep your sanity if you plan to wean off of medicines. It wouldn't make any sense for me to wean myself off, lose my mind, and then... not being able to put in practice or learn the other methods.

Back to Tom Cruise...maybe he was nervous...but if he wasn't, he looked very ADD-ish in that he couldn't concentrate, he couldn't think or communicate clearly, couldn't make arguments quickly...also happens to me!LOL

Also, that "passionate", strongly driven behavior reminds me so much of bipolar mania...that is not to say that every person that has a different opinion from the mass or is passionate about his believes is crazy...but if his "passion" escalates to insane levels, then you will remember what I said. We just have to keep an eye on him.

By the way, strangely, I have never been a fan of his. It is now that I am starting to respect him as a serious person, perhaps because it is now that he has spoken about his beliefs. I think he didn't say anything insulting of Brook Shields. He was talking about the approach to solve her problem, not about her. Well, that was what I understood. But I want to make clear that I am not on his side, though.

Edited to add that as for the difference in age between him and Katie, I think it is very realistic that they have many things in common. Some people are age-less. Their behavior is totally detached of their age. Besides, if he is immmature and he is a guy that equals doble immature.
Why would anyone pay attention to anything an actor has to say unless it's about acting or being a star?? Those are his only areas of expertise. Other than that, he's just some guy with (in this case wrong) opinions like every other person on this earth. I for one could care less what his opinions are.

Not to hijack the thread or anything, but what I do care about this morning is that Sandra Day O'Conner is retiring. Now that's something worth getting worked up about. I came close to bursting into tears when I heard the news.
>I wish actors and singers would just act and sing and
>otherwise keep their mouths shut.

Laura, I was thinking the exact thing!

What makes them think that just because they have a talent (which we hand$omely reward them for) that they are informed enough to speak out on certain topics?

I have all the respect in the world for an actor/athelete/singer who has experience something and THEN speaks out about it to help others. But to pass judgement and make statements when you know Jack-$__T about it, to me is irresponsible! If I want your opinion I'll ask for it!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
I couldn't agree more. If Tom Cruise wants to go on Inside the Actor's Studio and dissect acting, fine. Otherwise, who cares what he says?

Speaking of Sandra Day O'Conner, did you happen to read her dissent from the recent, shameful eminent domain decision put out by the court? My goodness, she was *not* happy!


I'm so glad you agree with me Sparrow! Nope, I didn't even read that decision. I think Justice O'Conner is okay, but, at the risk of getting too political here, what I'm upset about is the thought of what will be replacing her. She happened to fill an important swing vote role, and a lot of decisions will be affected when she is, inevitably, replaced by someone not as moderate. I can't remember the last time I cried, but this caused me to come close. Okay, I know this sounds dramatic, but I do believe that some of the freedoms that many of us hold most dear will be threatened. Nuff said.
Nancy I agree. I don't hold out much hope for a moderate going in, honestly. I consider myself politically conservative but the last thing I want is the Supreme Court stacked with ideologues, especially where reproductive freedoms are concerned!


Let's keep in mind here, HE IS JUST AN ACTOR!
The minute I find he has extensive credentials in anything purposeful, then I will listen to him. But, until then, the media creates their own monsters by giving these people the microphone to begin with.
Granted, Brooke Shields is JUST AN ACTRESS, but she has firsthand knowledge of the subject she is discussing. Now, she would be just as foolish discussing male infertility as TC is discussing postpartum depression. I only hope that, if Katie has children with this guy, she is fortunate enough not to have postpartum depression!x(

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