PLB question...


Hi, I'm Connie. I haven't posted here in quite awhile, but after today's killer PLB workout I came up with a question that I KNEW this educated crowd would have an answer to. ;)

I'll begin by saying this is the first time I've ever done PLB this "full out". I used about 2/3 of the weight that Cathe uses, and that's a big step for me. It felt great, hard but great! :D

However, I only have the FitTV version of this workout. I took advantage of the commercial breaks and stretched my hamstrings and quads at each one. I feel like this helped me to finish the workout using the heavy-for-me weights successfully.

Then I started wondering...was I taking too long of a break between exercises? What do you think? My legs feel completely and wonderfully fatigued, want to make sure I'm getting the most from the workout in the future.

Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure how long the breaks are in the FitTv version. But I say take breaks that are long enough for you. If taking a longer break allows you to lift heavier and if that's your goal then go for it. I often take longer breaks than Cathe. I see nothing wrong with it. It sounds like you are working hard and doing well!! Keep up the good work!!

Hi,Connie! Nice to 'see' you again.

When I do PLB, I always take longer breaks than Cathe allows on the DVD. I don't like the 'rush-rush' feeling going from one set to another, and I want to make sure that I'm well recovered for each set so I can use my best form and lift heavier (than I could if I rushed from one set to the next: I usually use 5-10# more than what Cathe is using). I can't even change the weight on my barbell as fast as Cathe and crew do (and frankly, I don't even want to try, because rushing and lifting weights don't go together, IMO).

I think the way you feel after doing the workout with those breaks is a good indication that it's working well for you.

If you don't feel that it's working well, or you want to use this more as an endurance workout, then if you have the workout recorded, you can just fast-forward through the commercial breaks.
Thank you both so much! Two great responses from 2 great C(K)atherines! hehe :) Catherine your avatar totally rocks!!

I feel like I took the right amount of time for me right now between sets. The stretching really helped, too. I was sure that I wouldn't be able to walk very well, but I only have a bit of soreness and tension. Yay!!

Thanks again! :D
I usually use dumbbells with this routine bc it allows for me to breathe in between the sets. The barbell useage seems rushed, so i think breaks are just fine whenever you need them :)
I always have to take a bit longer break because I can't change the weight as fast as Cathe. I still get great DOMS. I love this w/out and L&G's. I know I am in the minorty here but I like these 2 better than B&G's. I seem to always dread B&G's because the exercises seem so repetitious to me.
First of all, is your dog a Weimariner (sp)?

Those dogs are so nice -- my parents raised them when I was a kid.

Second of all, if you like PLB, I would buy the workout instead of just doing the FitTV version.

I think of the television versions as samplers and if you like the workout I would buy the whole thing, for the premixes if nothing else.

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