PLB question

I do, in fact I just did it this morning. I use dumbbells because I've been having problems with my low back and lifting the barbell up and over my head just kills me right now. I use a set of 10 lbs., 12 lbs., and 15 lbs. for all the exercises and get a great workout with this poundage. I don't like going too heavy with leg work because I tend to build muscle fast and my legs get thick.
Hope this helps!
Debbie in OH
Thanks Debbie. That does help. Those are the pounds I was thinking of using. I had been using 5,8,and 10 lbs. But now that my legs, esp. my knees are stronger, I need to increase the weight. Its amazing what Cathe's workouts have done to improve the pain in my knees! Thanks again, Renee

I use dumbells and find they work fine - I also use them for upper body work too as a sub for barbell.

I tend to use 10-15lbs for legs - did try 20lbs but found them hard to grip for any length of time (only have small hands). I must admit, I did think about getting a barbell when I couldn't hold on to the weight but I'm making do for the time being.

Hope that helps,
I use dumbells, too, because I would have to put on too many plates to equal the weight I want for the heavy pyramid. I've been using 10s,15s and 20s. I used 25s a couple of times, but they are uncomfortable to have on your shoulders. And getting them on my shoulders is a mini-workout in itself...

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