PLB question?


Hi, Im going to purchased the PUB on dvd, but i know that the PLB comes with it also, I only have dumbbells, can I use the dumbbell for the lower body instead of the barbell? THanks Barbara:)
yes, absolutely!!!

How heavy do your dumbells go? I only ask because with the PLB it is possible to go heavier than you are used to, say on MIS, because you are doing fewer reps at the heigher weights and you can really challenge yourself. So, if your dumbells don't go that high, you may end up buying a barbell eventually. I just had to do exactly that, and I have to say, that I now prefer using the barbell for lower body work, I am able to balance much more easily, and I can go much heavier.

Oh goodness!

Yes, use your dumbbells! but keep your eye open for a nice barbell set. They are not very expensive and they don't take up much room.

Remember to keep your shoulders back and down when holding dumbbells. There is a variety of positions to hold them in, so you can choose a comfortable one and stick with it, or change during the exercise to stay comfortable!
I can't think of any exericise that is done with a barbell that can't be done with dumbbells. For PLB, you will do step-ups, lunges, squats/plié squats deadlifts, all of which are doable with dumbells. Several people have posted on this forum and on that they are using dumbbells for PLB in order to make weight changes go faster.
Thank, going to order it today, but i think it will make no difference that i won't get them any sooner because here in NJ we are supposed to get a foot or more snow!! I will just use the C&W until then. Thank You Barbara:)
I sometimes use dumbbells with the PLB series to allow for more rests. However, I have to go lighter when I do. If I go heavier I experience tension in the lower back. I'm not really trying to build up my already large thighs so going lighter and using dumbbells isn't an issue for me. I think lifting my body weight plus 20 pounds is a sufficient enough challenge to my lower body.

I believe the barbells are the best option for going heavier with the lower body. Didn't Cathe use an inexpensive barbell set from Walmart that costs around $20?


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