PLB Modification Question


Hi, I've been reading the reviews of Cathe's new PLB and it seems that the floor work uses a stability ball alot. I dont have one, and I'm not really thrilled about purchasing one. Are modifications shown and are they still effective??


Hi Stacy!

Modifications are shown for the stability ball. I know Donna (GettingFit@39) posted that she didn't have a stability ball and the workout was quite effective. Hope this helps!

Hi Stacy :)
You don't need a ball. You can do modifications using your step. I think the ball just adds a little extra punch. Don't worry . . . I felt every muscle fiber I was supposed to with the floorwork.
hi stacy, i have a stability ball but it's not really stable!! part of the challange is keeping it steady with your feet and ankles which can be very frustrating!! so don't worry about getting one. like someone else said, the modifications shown work just as well.
I just watched the tape for the first time, all the way through. Brenda does the entire floor routine without the stability ball to show the modifications. She sure is looking buff!

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