Hi, guys. I got Alternative Medicine magazing today and interestingly there is an article about high cholesterol which recommends flax as a solution to the problem of high cholesterol. "Thanks to three powerful nutirents-lignans, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids-this functional food can held send your LDL cholesterol spiraling downward.
"...in a 2004 evaluaton of nine clinical tirals, the journal Nutrition Reviews found that 15 to 50 grams (1 to 5 tblespoons) of flaxseed daily cn reduce total cholestoerol and LDL up to 18 percent. One of the clinical trials reviewed, for example, monitored 38 postmenopausal wome to determine the effect of whold falxseed on blood lipids. the women ate 38 grams dalily of whole flaxseed aked into breads or muffins over six weeks. after a two-week washout period, they were given the same amount of whole sunflower seeds daily for another six weeks. The researchers found that the group experienced a 14.7 percet greater reduction in LDL rom the flaxseed than from the sunflower seed.
You can buy whole or ground flaxseed at most natural food stores, making it easy to keep your kitchen stocked and your diet flax-rich. If you opt to take flaxseed oil, choose products that contain plant lignans, but you won't benefit from the seeds fiber. Some experts recommend grindinng whole flaxseed to ensure maximum absorptio of its many nutrients. Also remember to refridgerate all flaxseed, particularly gound seed and flax oils, to prevent spoilage. In a dark col environemnt, even ground flaxseed will stay fresh for several months.
With tis powerful ingredient only scoop away, incorporating flaxseed into your daily eating routine is easy-just get creative. Try flaxseed or flaxseed meal as a crunchy companion to your favoirite yogurt. You can also sprinkle a tablespoon over sliced peaches, stir some into cereals or combine a cup of cottage cheese with flaxseeds and seasonal berries. As for the oil, try pouring some on a salad, veggies, or cooked pasta."-Jennifer Winger, Alternative Medicine Magazine
I hope you find this beneficial I a going to get some flaxseeds to grind for myself.
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