Pixley is home from the Vet! update

**Autumn Whisper

Active Member
I got her home last night and she was soooo excited to see the other dogs.

The vet upon initial exam suspected a foreign body because he felt a soft mass in her abdomen and she was very tender so they did a barium and an xray. the Vet said that the barium should just pass right on through but it didn't so he had suspected a blockage. But then it did clear and she pooped so that theory went out the window. No sign of FB in the poop.
Pixley's WBC was 30,000 so they gave antibiotics. So now she has made a complete turn around.

He told me that this could have been just a infection or inflammation but he said it's possible Pixley had something called an "INTERSUSSEPTION" (SP?) Which means the intestine starts telescoping on itself which is bad because the blood supply can be cut off and the intestine starts to die. They don't know why this occurs or what causes it. sometimes it corrects itself spontaneously and sometimes it requires surgery.
Needless to say I'm hoping for infection. So we're back home now. she till has her I.V. in her arm just in case we have to go back but she'll get that out tomarrow.

Thanks for all the good vibes. If it didn't help Pixley, it sure did help me.
I'm so happy to hear that Pixley is better!! I'll bet it's such a relief. Wonderful to hear he's home with you!

Not to question your vet, as I'm sure he knows a heck of a lot more than I do, but when Jimmy had a partial blockage due to the rawhide, my vet took X-rays and showed me the partially blocked intestine. He also told me that typically dogs pass these on their own. Which he did. In fact I was encouraged to give him whole wheat bread soaked in milk to give him more fiber - and we all know what that does. Interesting...
I never give my dogs rawhide because it is indigestible. Many years ago when I had a dog trainer working with my dogs he told me to give them beef hide--never rawhide. I have followed that advice. the other thing is--is your vet talking about bloat? Again when we had weimaraners we had to be careful of this with the particular breed. I believe the advice was no hard exercise after a meal but to wait awhile. Glad she is well and back home and I am sure both of you are too.
Yay Pixley!

I hope she is on her way to a full recovery and a long, happy, healthy life! Good luck, and I hope the vet bills weren't too crazy--I've been there. But hey, anything for our little criitters/babies!
Yippee ! That is great news for all of you !

I never give my dogs rawhide because it is indigestible. Many years ago when I had a dog trainer working with my dogs he told me to give them beef hide--never rawhide. I have followed that advice. the other thing is--is your vet talking about bloat? Again when we had weimaraners we had to be careful of this with the particular breed. I believe the advice was no hard exercise after a meal but to wait awhile. Glad she is well and back home and I am sure both of you are too.

No, not bloat but it's probably similiar i'm guessing. Gastric Torsion/bloat is when the intestines twist i think. Intersusseption is when the intestine telescopes upon itself. They don't know why it happens or how to prevent it. I'll have to google to see what info i can find on it.

Good for Pixley

Good news for you and Pixley. It's so hard to have a sick pet.
My cat had that intersusseption too and they found it on ultrasound.


I got her home last night and she was soooo excited to see the other dogs.

He told me that this could have been just a infection or inflammation but he said it's possible Pixley had something called an "INTERSUSSEPTION" (SP?) Which means the intestine starts telescoping on itself which is bad because the blood supply can be cut off and the intestine starts to die. They don't know why this occurs or what causes it. sometimes it corrects itself spontaneously and sometimes it requires surgery.
Needless to say I'm hoping for infection. So we're back home now. she till has her I.V. in her arm just in case we have to go back but she'll get that out tomarrow.

Thanks for all the good vibes. If it didn't help Pixley, it sure did help me.

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