Pikes on Ball--Whoo!


I did Pyramid Upper Body last night--a great workout. Then I got to the abs section and was doing fine. Then we did planks on the stability ball. Then we moved to roll-ins. So far so good. I was dying but hanging in there. Then Cathe and crew did one million pikes on the ball with no breaks and moved to planks. And I don't remember what else because I fell to the floor in exhaustion. :)

I love that Cathe challenges me to do new things, and my abs/core have really gotten stronger. I just need to work on the pikes. I have a fear that I will lose my balance, topple forward, and break my neck. :) I was hoping for some more confidence (read comments/opinions) from others who have mastered pikes on the stability ball.

Have a great day!
Pikes are tough!! Took me a while to get them. I found my prob at first was I didn't have the upper body strength do to them. Once that improve a bit, it helped a lot. Also strong hamstrings help. The 1st one I managed to accomplish I used too much "oomph" to pull myself up and almost toppled then I got stuck at the top and had to gracefully fall off to get down. Eventually, you just "get it". They are def a whole body exercise. My abs always hurt the next day after pikes. To help work up to them, do knee roll ins on the ball. Put your shins on the ball and hands on the ground and roll the ball in so your knees come to your chest, but you are still parallel to the floor. Works the same muscles, just not as difficult to do.

I can't do the ab work in PUB at the end of the workout, I always do it first. My arms are so fried by the end of that one that I can't support myself to do pikes if I wait until the end.

That being said, one thing I read here that really helped me was to concentrate on lifting your butt up. When I think about that rather than what my feet are doing or something else, it just clicks.

But, as the previous poster said, pikes are tough! Just keep at it, though, and you'll get them. Good luck!

It took me a long time to do the pikes but I finally mastered it. In the beginning my thinking was trying to push myself with my arms but it really requires more thinking in the abs and starting the movement at that point. Once I stopped thinking about the upper body and pulling up more from the core, then it finally worked for me.

They are tough but you'll get them.
I've also been struggling with pikes. the ball roll-ins killed me at first but all of a sudden they were OK. I can't identify what to pull or lift to get into the pike position but I will try focusing on pulling from the core and see what happens.
Thank you everyone for your advice. Last night, I did the abs in KPC, which include pikes, and I did it! What a wonderful feeling. I didn't even need to stop or curse Cathe. :)

All I did was put my concentration on lifting my rear end and using my core, and I did not think about what would happen if I toppled forward and broke me neck, and I did it! I was thrilled and my core felt great. Next challenge to conquer are the pikes in PUB and Core Max. Thanks everyone for this extra confidence!
I can do the pikes in core max, but not in PUB. I agree with the person above...my arms are just too tired at the end of the workout to be able to hold myself up for that long!

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