Pictures from High Intensity Step?


I only see pictures from three of the new workouts. Will there be any from High Intensity Step? You guys are doing such a wonderful job. The set looks beautiful, the ladies look beautiful, and I can't wait to have these in my hands. You guys totally ROCK!!!
Yes, but we're doing a little bit each day so each workout gets its own day in the sun. Also, it takes a long time for us to process and organize all of the pictures with the lightbox software we use. Yesterday alone, we took over 5000 pictures and it just takes time to tranfer, review,organize and color correct this many pictures. We really have only had time to quickly review a small fraction of all the pictures we took. Everyone on our staff has been working some incredibly long hours the last few weeks and we need to give our employees so much deserved rest and time off. But we will continue to put up more pictures through the weekend of Kickbox. Higher Intensity Step will probably not be up until Monday or Tuesday. Sometime next week will also give you some more behind the scenes pictures. They just take alot more time to post because the editorial content is more important with these pictures. Cathe will also be back and will post some more detailed descriptions of the workouts. She has been working some very long days the last month and is getting some much needed rest today along with spending a lot time with her kids.
Thank you so much SNM. You guys are doing an outstanding job and really deserve to take the weekend off (if you guys even have an off button!!!). Thanks again for the hard work and I understand what you are saying. I can't imagine all the work it takes to do what you guys are doing. Keep up the good work but I am glad to hear you are all getting a well deserved break. Enjoy!

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