Pictures, AGAIN!!


Hi everyone..

I am doing that picture thing again. For anyone who has accomplished it, ....Francine, did you get your picture to appear in your profile. I tried copying and pasting the URL but it didn't make the pic appear. Any advice???

Here goe the instructions from before if you missed them--(you have to click on the auction link for the pic to have a web address that you highlight and paste here to work---) If you have problems with this I'll try it again with another pic to be more helpful with the exact details--but for now here goes the intsructions that I did before--I did manage to get my pic to go on my profile icon by doing the following--Click on More Options in the left blue bar in your Members Area
--Click on Get URLs for Auctions
--On the following page select your album where the images are and click Continue
--Click on radio button for option marked "YES, I am an Ebay/Yahoo Auctions user."
--Scroll down the page and you will find the URLs of your images there --I highlighted it, copy and pasted it when I edited my Cathe member profile- Then I also inserted the web address(what I copied and pasted or another pic that you highlighted with a web address)on my message reply and it came up on the post!Good Luck
Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Your pictures are great !!! And you have a Siamese cat - does he or she have a real mischevious streak ? And that picture of the Arizona desert is just breathtaking (drooling here I look out of my window and stare into my bleak English street which is covered in RAIN, with overhanging mist !!!!!!!!!!)

Anna :)
You look great. I have fell off the wagon for the last 2 weeks mainly due to a bad sinus infection, dizziness, etc. and I needed some motivation. You are definitely inspiration to me!
Happy New Year

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