Pic of the Day - 7-12-00

SNM Videos


Plie Squats - Cross Train Express.
From left to right: Rhonda, Pat, Cathe, Lisa and Brenda.
great pic again!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-00 AT 04:08PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-00 AT 03:54 PM (EST)

Love the daily pictures! Thank you so much! I now have more reason to beg (bug) my husband to make me a mini-step. I'm glad to see it in the new tapes so I can say "See honey, it's not just for my Firm workouts." (I have ordered all 8 new tapes.)

You guys look like you are working hard and having fun!

I had a feeling if I logged on now, I'd see the pic of the day
. Thank you again!!!

We need to do some sort of countdown--this many days to go till the videos ship *heehee*. I did get my hotskins pants yesterday and wore them this morning when I did PS CST--that got me psyched, but nothing will be quite as wonderful as getting those tapes!!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-00 AT 05:03PM (EST)</font></center>

See all that I miss being away from the forum for a week!!
But what I really wanted to know where to get a Black barbell!!



I just realized that I messed up on giving you that link--that wasn't the thread with the barbell info... Of course now, I can't find the original thread with that info, and I'm looking for it too!

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