Physique Transformation


I know I've seen posts here about this program, but I never paid attention to them because I wasn't interested at the time. But, finally becoming tired of being "stuck" at 140 for the past year or more no matter what I try, has convinced me that it's time to do something completely different. I've been reading the info on the PT website, and have begun the initial 5-day "free" diet analysis part. I am wondering if any of you who have tried this program would please tell me your experience with it, good or bad? I'm intrigued, but almost afraid of allowing myself to feel hopeful.

Thanks for any information.
Hi Deb,

Here's a link to my story about PT on the CatheAddicts website.

I've had terrific success with the program after trying EVERYTHING else I could think of! I'm now their biggest fan and tell everyone I know about the program. It's incredible! Just to update you since I wrote that story, I've now lost a total of 14 pounds, 3.5 inches on the waist, 3 on the hips, and 1.5 on the thighs. Let me know if you have any questions. You can also go to the PT chatroom and "lurk" for a while if you want to find out more from people who are using the program right now. The address is:

I hope you have as much success as I've had!

I downloaded that e-book ... but my computer will not open the PDF file so I can't read it x( bummer ........ Rhonda:+
Hi Rhonda,

I tried sending it to you in an e-mail. Not sure if it will work. I know it won't have any of the fancy pictures or anything. If it doesn't work, let me know, and I'll try something else.

Hey Deb,

Try doing an advance search here. You will find that 3 or 4 of us have used the program with varying degrees of success. I used it until I got to the point where I couldn't eat anymore--2800 calories a day. I think had I stuck to it, I might be at my goal weight by now but can't say for sure because I got fed up (literally lol!).

I've been paying attention to Shari's (wutheri) story--I'm waiting to hear if she's lost any weight. I don't remember her posting anything about it.

Also check out in their check in zone. There is a physique transformation checkin that just ended. If you do a search, you can read all about the highs & lows they went through (I still check in with them occassionally).

Good luck!
I am just starting Physique Transformation. I am not starting the conditioning phase till the end of the week (I don't have enough protien in the house to eat that much meat. (Meat at all 3 meals - who'd have thunk it).;)

I have heard great success from a few people. Once you join they give you the opportunity for a 20 minute consultation with them over the phone. Mine is scheduled for tomorrow. I am looking forward to that.

My goal is to get lean healthy and strong.

Hi Shari,

I have read with interest your posts regarding this program. I've also seen your high scores on the website. Would you mind sharing what you typically eat in a day on this program?


I started the Program on Sunday and I am having fun learning what will benefit me and what will not. Today, I had a baked potato topped with cottage cheese and salsa. It was yummy. I recommend heating the cottage cheese on the potato. It melts a little.

Just another way to get some non-meat protein in.


(Thanks Shari!)
Thanks Shari, I did get it, I very much appreciate it :7 I have been exercising for almost 4 months diligently, and its paying off. If those work scales weighed me right I am down another 2 lbs, which puts me at 121 :7 ...I went searching to find out what my calorie intake is supposed to be , WOW most people eat WAy WAY to much food, and they wonder why we wonder why so many people are overweight :( . Anyway I so thank you, I don't know that I will join this thing or not, but at least I can get more informed by reading. :7 .... your friend Rhonda God Bless :7
Can someone be patient enough to explain what this physique transformation is all about? Sure sounded great. Thanks.
SHARI! All I can say is YOU GO GIRL!!! 18lbs in just a few short weeks is incredible (ok, it's probably been like 2 months, right?) but that is AWESOME!!!! I'm very happy for you. I wish I could have stuck with it. Maybe I'll go back again when I finish my WW subscription. Then I will have to go through that horrible 8 weeks of conditioning again because I am eating soooo few calories again. I'm down to about 1100--1300 calories at this point. I would like to use the program to get my body fat down & lean muscle up. I'm losing weight pretty well--down 10 lbs in 10 weeks--but my lean muscle is suffering, I think.

Ok, I could go on & on here. Your story is inspirational!

Thank you so much!

I'm just tickled to death to finally be losing weight again! After almost two years, people were starting to tell me I was obsessed about it. And I was, I suppose. Everyone said I needed to just accept it. But I'm not made that way. And I wasn't even at a healthy weight yet, let alone a weight where I felt I looked good. And most of all, I hate to LOSE at anything (anything except weight, that is). Not being able to succeed at something, well, that just makes me more determined than ever.

I had a college advisor once who told me I should just quit school and get married again because that's what I'd probably end up doing anyway. Can you imagine! What a jerk! Lucky for me, my brother was dating his daughter (ha! coincidence or fate?) at the time I received my masters and graduated magna cum laude (double ha!), so I had the opportunity to remind him about what he'd said to me. And he remembered saying it, surprisingly. I wonder to this day if he was really trying to discourage me or if he was actually issuing a challenge.

I'm so glad to hear you're losing through WW. It's a good program. I've used it on and off all my life. But if it stops working for you, you'll know what to do. You won't have to search for two years as I did.

Thanks again for the praise and encouragement. It really means a lot to me.

Hi Wutherhi,

I don't know if you already mentioned it, but how much does it cost if you join? After the free trial?
And you get 4 different profiles with it. So others can join and support you.

I must add that I have weighed myself everyday and am actually expecting to gain, but I lost 2 pounds. I am in my first week of conditioning. Even if I gain weight, I will commit myself at the beginning of each week and MUST complete it before I decide to continue on.

I feel like I am riding an emotional roller coaster with this program: thrilled and scared of the unknown.

But I am worth the effort to make it happen.


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