PH Music Opinions


I'm thinking about buying PH. I watched the video clip of it on this web site and the music sounded very different from the music in my Pure Strength tapes and I'm not sure I will like it. What are people's opinions on the music in Power Hour?
Hi Nancy...

I LOVE the music in PH! It might be my fav music of ALL Cathe tapes, although I am not that picky. Each song targets a major muscle group and by the end of each song, you are ready for it to be over! :-tired. The music Cathe picked "fits" the moves sooo well. Hope you get PH as it is such a great (& FUN) workout.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Nancy...

Hi Deb. It sounded like at least one of the songs was rather shrill and screechy, with a semi-human sounding voice. Upon listening again, however, it sounds like some of the other songs might be quite motivating.
I usually workout for about 40 mins. when I get home from work before dinner. Do you think I'll have any trouble fitting PH into my schedule? It's an hour, right?
RE: Hi Nancy...

PH music is awesome! It really is. It is so motivating to exercise to the beat. I recommend PH wholeheartedly!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
The music in PH is my favorite of all her videos! It is extemely motivating... I'm a big fan of having great music to work out to and Cathe doesn't disappoint. :)
I really enjoy the music..although now I sometimes associate it with muscle burn or muscle failure!! I made a comment on another thread that there's a lady singing that bothered me in Rhythmic Step but it was fine in this video. If there is one song you don't care for, it doesn't last the entire workout since she uses a different song for each segment. The music grows on you & you'll be working hard enough that you'll kind of forget that there IS music!! JMHO!


P.S. I'm assuming you don't have Rhythmic Step..the music is very similar & is repeated in some instances.
I really, really like the music in PH. The music and the exercises are choreographed together seamlessly, so you move with the beat of the music. The music is rockin', and very motivating, IMO.
RE: Hi Nancy...

The tape is an hour long but I find it takes me about 10 - 15 minutes longer because I change my Barbell weights and rest a little longer after some of the sections. It can be done in an hour but you'd have to use the same weight or be super fast at changing your weights.
I do recommend this one - it's very challenging and the music is great!
It grew on me and now I love it. Even the songs I didn't like at first (triceps and abs) I now love and look forward to hearing!
FOR Cattaddict

I want you to know that when you made the comment about the lady singing in Rhytmic Step like...AHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...I had to go check it out and see what you were talking about. Now, whenever I put that video on (I am still trying to "decipher" the choreography!)...I crack up when this part comes just tickled my funny bone with that! }>

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
FOR Cattaddict

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-02 AT 02:13PM (Est)[/font][p]Double post...sorry.
RE: FOR Cattaddict


I'm glad you enjoyed the comment..sometimes I wonder if I've offended people with my opinions!! The howling lady is actually kind of growing on me...


Nancy, the WU is 5 1/2 minutes, the strength section is 40 minutes, ABS 6 minutes and CD/Stretch 3 minutes. On days you are pressed for time, you could do the ABS later (after dinner) or even early in the day before you head out in the morning. Just an idea. You NEED this tape! :7

u Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: FOR Cattaddict

I did exactly the same thing runathon did, ha ha. Just had to go put the tape in and do it and was anxiously waiting for "that lady" to come on and when she did...well I have to laugh each time. hadn't noticed her always:) :) :)


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