Petra Kolber

I discovered Petra Kolber this past year and really enjoy her workouts. I have PK Step, Step Select, Step, Layers and Links, and Ready Step Go and I enjoy all of them. She has a very creative style but not too dancy (like Christi or Seasun) so it only took a couple of tries at most to get all of them. Also her cuing is impeccable so it makes it pretty easy to catch on. I would say that her workouts range from intermediate to intermediate/advanced, but it's easy to bump them up with more impact if you want to go harder.
I absolutely love PK Step. I like it even more than Step Select. The steps are creative and fun, not terribly complex, and her personality is perfect. Her workouts are just plain fun, as well as being effective! I love Christi Taylor, but there are times I don't feel like concentrating that hard. Petra's workouts give you the same feeling of satisfaction without the brain drain!
Funny that I see this thread today. This morning, just for something completely different, I did Petra's core workout from All Star Workouts on FitTV. This was my first exposure to Petra. It wasn't what I would call an advanced workout, but it was creative and it hit the core from all different angles. She does have a pleasant personality -- not too dull but not too annoyingly perky. I enjoyed it and will probably do it again. I'll have to look into her step aerobics too. Thanks for the timely thread!
I, too, really like this workout. It is fun. The choreo is a little more complicated than Cathe's, but the time just flies. I wouldn't call it advanced, but it is good for days when you don't want a nosebleed workout. I highly recommend PK Step.
I only have Step Select and I really enjoy it.

For those who have done both PK Step and Step Select would you say that PK Step is more complicated than Step Select?

>I only have Step Select and I really enjoy it.
>For those who have done both PK Step and Step Select would you
>say that PK Step is more complicated than Step Select?

I think it took me longer to learn Step Select, but I pick up choreography a lot faster now thanks to doing Christi workouts! Probably PK Step is a little harder because she changes the order in the last section -- which to me was the most fun!

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