Personal Trainer Certification


Hello Cathe!

I know that you are certified through ACE. I am attending my local community college and will be getting my Exercise Leader certificate later this month. I am planning on getting certified in January as a Personal Trainer and am trying to decide which agency to get certified through. I have heard good and bad about all the different certifying agencies. Are you satisfied with Ace? Anyone else that wants to chime in, please do. I need to make up my mind soon so I can start studying for the exam.

Thank you

I was certified through ACE. Never had any problems, and I liked the classes they offered to keep your certification current.
Thank you Karen!

I am pretty sure I am going to go with Ace. I have looked at the classes they offer to keep certified and I think they look pretty good. It is good to have someone else confirm what I was thinking. Thank you again for your help.

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