Personal and Long: Need Advice

Oh man, Laurie! What an uncomfortable situation! I can see wanting to smack him just for putting you in this predicament. I think you have gotten the thoughtful, sensible advice that the women of these boards are known for, so I'm not sure I can add much beyond my support. I will say this, however...Although I wouldn't rule out the possibility of some health issue or even a drinking situation that might be going on, it does sound to me like he already had an eye on you before this particular incident. It's a bit "off," I must say. And I do think you right about the need to put him in his place...but personally, I'm always a little leery of putting things in writing. If it were me, I'd probably handle it over the phone (not sure I'd want to go face-to-face one-on-one, either.) I also don't think I would share this w/ your daughters. I realize that if this situation isn't nipped in the bud, it may impact their relationship with him, but what good will it do them at this point to know their grandfather perved out? (((HUGS))) to you...I'm sorry this happpened.


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