Perimenopause-what has worked for me


Five years ago, at 44, I joined a gym and began working out daily. By spending 1-3 hours at the gym, supplemented by DVDs and eating clean I lost 20 pounds in about 6 months. I was feeling strong and looking good.

I then had a life switch, perimenopause hit and I started to get hot flashes, and got bored of my gym workouts. I pretty much gave up when my clean eating and my workouts were not doing the job anymore. I began to feel worse that my body was changing and I could not seem to fight back. I grew a thick middle, was tired, my back hurt, my feet hurt and I would feel so sore right after working out. I planted myself on the couch in a pity party.

There I sat for months. Then I thought gluten free was the answer. I gave up my beloved whole grains. The weight did not come off, but I did feel better. Finally, I bought a juicer and began to juice for my breakfast and lunch. I ate a sensible, gluten-free dinner. If I got hungry at lunch, I had a salad instead of juice. I dusted off all my Cathe DVDs and pushed myself off the couch. Every day- no excuses. Even if I had to walk around the house while Cathe said "come on!", I kept moving. The juicing was surprisingly satisfying and I realized that my body did not require as much fuel as I used to feed it.

I lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks. I know what works for me now, and I have the motivation to keep going, as swimsuit season is fast approaching. I post this to anyone suffering the many issues of menopause, as I remember looking though the Internet for support and not finding much. I wish you all the healthiest and happiest times through this change of life. We can all be success stories, we just need to find what works for us. Don't give up!

Wishing you all the best,
I've been reading the other post about this as well.
I'm on the cusp of peri, and tyring to prepare myself best.

But what I seem to be reading, more than anything, is that it's about diet and being strict. Less about WHAT...that seems to vary for everyone. More about LESS.

So my question....what about the basic idea that limiting calories in = weight loss. More so as aging sets in, than ever. I just have to hope that it can't be that complicated (gluten free...carb free...etc...).

I'm thinking for your post...if you're're eating fewer calories for 2 meals/day.
Thus = weight loss.

Maybe it's not that simple. I'm hoping that the other ladies that are going through it can chime in on the idea. Maybe it really is more complicated. I guess I'm just hoping that it's not.
I'm not a medical or health professional but what I've observed in myself is that when I get better nutrition from my food (juicing, eating more fruits/vegetables in general as well as fish, lean meats and nuts), I don't need nearly as many calories to be satisfied, making weight loss much easier.


how will you keep this going for the rest of your life? It sounds so restrictive. Is there no room for taste and food bringing pleasure? Do we forfeit the right to these things just because we are women who have hit a certain age? Is this a way to age gracefully and/or well?

Not criticism: just asking. Ideas that are up for discussion.

This is not forever, just my jump start to motivation and results, where none had come before. The women that I have spoken with who have gone through menopause (and survived!) eat less than they used to - so that will be a new normal for me. So will my promise to myself to do something physical every day. My body needs the motion to stay young and supple and not have joint pain. In the future, i see myself using the juicing when I need a detox, or when i am not really hungry.

For me, who has used food as an emotional crutch my whole life, I found I must change my attitude about food. I used to live to eat on most days, when you really should eat to live. I now crave roasted vegetables or an omelet instead of garlic bread and ravioli.

That said, I am planning 2 vacations this year, and will not deprive myself of what I want to eat while I am away. I have just become more selective in my choices. I WILL be eating pizza and pasta in Italy this fall!

Hi Lisa:

I hear you. This makes more sense now.

I agree with the smaller portions comment: this applies to men and women as they age. I have been trying to get this message across to my husband: he puts out his pasta serving while waiting for the water to boil, I come along and put half back again! He's not 28 anymore!

I just hated to think of you living the rest of your life without brie on French, crusty bread with a glass of wine, or whatever your fantasy meal is. I refuse to give these things up. I just make sure I have powerwalked 12 miles or weight trained heavy beforehand!

Good luck to you and enjoy that trip.

Lisa, thank you for your post. It's always good to hear that we're not alone in this growing old gracefully journey (some days it's more a battle than a journey!)

LOL..why does my spell check think it is spelled incorrectly?! Anyway, I just turned 48 and am in the midst of perimenopause. I'm not gaining any weight by eating as clean as possible-I'd say around 80% of the time. I've upped my cardio to at least 45 minutes 5 times a week and due to my shoulder needing some rest have only been able to do leg weights and abs. I am doing shoulder exercises now and hope to get back to upper body stuff in 6 weeks. I drink about 96 oz. of water a day and love herbal tea. I don't eat a lot at night and snack on almonds. But I don't really diet. One thing I've been trying recently is when I have a sweet (cookie or piece of cake) I have a piece of fruit as well. I eat a lot of grapefruits and oranges this way and the fiber is great! I drink lots of coffee in the morning, too.

This sounds really random, but it works for me! For the record I'm 5'1" and 97 lbs. Oh yea-I do weigh myself daily and if I get out of my comfort zone I take the clean eating to 100%.

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