Perfect30 Update - 9-8-20


Staff member

Perfect30 Update - 9-8-20

Hi Everyone,

We're just about done with our work on Perfect30 and plan on wrapping everything up this week. We spent the labor day weekend proofing all of the Perfect30 DVDs and we're really happy with the way they all look and can't wait to share them with you. We still need about two more days of work to make our final authoring and audio tweaks, but masters will go out to the replicator at the end of this week.

The next step in the process will be for the replicator to send us "check discs" that will be made from our masters so that we can make sure everything is ok before our production run begins. Then it's just a matter of having the replicator make & package all of the DVDs and send them to us from California. How long all of this will take is still unknown, but we will let you know more as soon as we can.

As of right now, we hope to start sharing video clips with you next week on Facebook, YouTube, and our website.

The best way to view our Perfect30 updates is on our Facebook Page, but we will also post a lot of pics in our forums and on Pinterest. Here are the direct links to all of our social media sites

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