People who don't believe Cathe is hard

I keep my gym membership for 2 reasons. 1) i like cycling classes, and the group setting often helps me push myself harder. 2) i live in an apt and feel bad for my neighbors below if i ever did step in there!!! :p

I do all of my lifting at home with cathe though, and do KPC without making the building fall apart. My bf was lifting in my apt. complex's gym the other day, and came up while i had just started the biceps part of PUB, i told him he should join me. He just sat on my bed at watched. Finally he said, "that actually looks pretty tough!" I wanted to throw a weight at him. haha

I have gone to gyms, and all kinds of classes, nothing I've done can compare. I'm always telling my husband what a work-out I had and how sore I am. Then he saw me doing the show one day and couldn't believe how intense it was, he now has respect for how hard it is. Maybe you should challenge your gym friends to do it for themselves.

I just recently joined my first gym in 13 years of exercising.My friend owns the gym/spa and another 2 of my friends has classes and since my hubby's work pays half of the expense and I get 10% off all other services including hair services I couldn't pass it up.I do on occasion lift heavy for legs at the gym.But most of the time go and do a double class once a week of powercut and kickbox.But leave my heavy lifting for home:) .My friend who teaches the pc and kb watches cathe and even uses some moves like the lowends}( .so she knows what a toughie cathe can be.

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